2013-02-15 12:58 PM
i'm selecting the right micro to drive a 3phase BLDC motor. I see some product of pictus line has a dedicated periferal for motor control but at sale time i don't undestand what is the different from pictus and bolero line to implement a FOC control Thanks #3phase-bldcSolved! Go to Solution.
2013-03-05 7:58 AM
Pictus and Leopard embed some peripherals which have been specifically thought to implement a motor control. I am referring for example to FlexPWM and CTU. With the FlexPWM is quite easy to generate the pwm signals to drive the motor. With the CTU you can synchronize the analog acquisition to the pwm signal without loading the CPU. Then Pictus is the basic. If you need more safety feature you can go with Leopard. Ciao, Rosario2013-03-05 7:58 AM
Pictus and Leopard embed some peripherals which have been specifically thought to implement a motor control. I am referring for example to FlexPWM and CTU. With the FlexPWM is quite easy to generate the pwm signals to drive the motor. With the CTU you can synchronize the analog acquisition to the pwm signal without loading the CPU. Then Pictus is the basic. If you need more safety feature you can go with Leopard. Ciao, Rosario