#autodevkit hashtag#avas hashtag#openocd hashtag#mcu hashtag#spc5 hashtag#embedded hashtag#automotiveHere you are a quick guide to help you load the audio file in AEK-AUD-C1D9031 Avas board using the AEK-MCU-SPC5LNK programmer.AEK-AUD-C1D9031 - https...
Very long awaited, but it is finally here!!!New AutoDevKit Studio release version 2.4.0 is available for free download www.st.com/autodevkitsw New features:- Multi-chain, multi-node and completed renovated BMS driver for L9963E named AEK-POW-BMSCHAIN...
Dear Members. The current BMS board design has not taken in consideration all the recommendation for a Hot Plug capable design. To make your system hot-plug resistant make sure to follow the recommendations below: Change the battery connector with a ...
Hi, i have difficulty in connecting the board AEKD-AICAR1 to the win11PC with miniUSB, it keeps having the Message from component 'PpcJtagTargIntf' :Can't connect target !Message from component 'PpcJtagTargIntf' :No JTAG client found !Please check:-...
Hello Community, I have an observation from my attempt to daisy chain multiple AEK-POW-BMS63EN devices. I have made a battery pack which has two 14-cell Battery modules in series. One module is supposed to be connected to one AEK-POW-BMS63EN and sen...
I posted recently about getting set up with the demo for the GUI application, and got great help from @SRomeo. I've now moved on to the SingleAccess Chain demo, and could use some more help if you don't mind?I am using the C4ML1T, ISOSPI1, and 2 BMS6...
Hello Community,I am trying to build a 333V Battery Pack with AEK-MCU-C4MLIT1 as the Master, AEK-ISOSPI Translator and multiple AEK-POW-BMS69EN as slaves in daisy chain configuration. I would like to get the information such as cell voltages, SOC, an...
Hey, I am trying to build a battery pack with AEK-POW-BMS63EN BMS Slave Boards, AEK-MCU-C4MLIT1 as the Master Board, and an ISOSPI Translator. I have made a 4S Dummy Battery to check whether I could get the cell data on the serial bus from the Maste...
I want to ask about AEK-MCU-SPC5LNK. Is the support applied for processors SPC56? I have AEK-MCU-SPC5LNK and SPC56EL70L5DISP board and I can't find cfg files for SPC56EL processor.Lukasz
Hello community,I am using AEK-AUD-C1D9031 board and I want to play 2 audio files one after other. What should I change in the code?
Hello,I am trying to set up the 14 cell GUI using the C4MLIT1, ISOSPI1, and BMS63EN boards. At this point in time, I am only interested in the logging functionality and just want to use the demo as it comes.I have the hardware set up in centralized c...
Hello,I have been trying to connect to the AEK-MOT-TK200G1 using a SPC5-UDESTK.I tried UDE starter kit 5.02.04, and UDE starter kit 2021.05. I'm getting the following error: (Message from component 'PpcJtagTargIntf' :Can't connect target !)I have che...
I'm trying to debug to SPC582B-DIS board and I'm trying to 2 combination.But I didn't succeed debugging.First, I'm using SPC582-DIS Board rev 1.1 and AutoDevKit Studio version 2.4.0.I installed openodc drivers according to the doc named 'How to use O...