* @file r3_f0xx_pwm_curr_fdbk.c
* @author Motor Control SDK Team, ST Microelectronics
* @brief This file provides firmware functions that implement current sensor
* class to be stantiated when the three shunts current sensing
* topology is used.
* It is specifically designed for STM32F0XX
* microcontrollers and implements the successive sampling of two motor
* current using only one ADC.
* + MCU peripheral and handle initialization fucntion
* + three shunt current sensing
* + space vector modulation function
* + ADC sampling function
* @attention
© Copyright (c) 2024 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.
* This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
* SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* www.st.com/SLA0044
* @ingroup R3_F0XX_pwm_curr_fdbk
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "r3_f0xx_pwm_curr_fdbk.h"
#include "pwm_common.h"
#include "mc_type.h"
/** @addtogroup MCSDK
* @{
/** @addtogroup pwm_curr_fdbk
* @{
/** @addtogroup R3_1_pwm_curr_fdbk
* @{
/* Private defines -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
void R3_1_HFCurrentsCalibrationAB( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl, ab_t * pStator_Currents );
void R3_1_HFCurrentsCalibrationC( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl, ab_t * pStator_Currents );
uint16_t R3_1_WriteTIMRegisters( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl, uint16_t hCCR4Reg );
/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
* @brief Initializes TIM1, ADC1, GPIO, DMA1 and NVIC for three shunt current
* reading configuration using STM32F0X.
* @param pHandle: Handler of the current instance of the PWM component.
__weak void R3_1_Init( PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * pHandle )
if ( ( uint32_t )pHandle == ( uint32_t )&pHandle->_Super )
/* disable IT and flags in case of LL driver usage
* workaround for unwanted interrupt enabling done by LL driver */
LL_ADC_DisableIT_EOC( ADC1 );
LL_ADC_ClearFlag_EOC( ADC1 );
LL_ADC_DisableIT_EOS( ADC1 );
LL_ADC_ClearFlag_EOS( ADC1 );
/* Enable the CCS */
/* Peripheral clocks enabling END ----------------------------------------*/
/* Clear TIMx break flag. */
LL_TIM_ClearFlag_BRK( TIM1 );
LL_TIM_EnableIT_BRK( TIM1 );
LL_TIM_SetCounter( TIM1, ( uint32_t )( pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod ) - 1u );
/* TIM1 Counter Clock stopped when the core is halted */
/* ADC Calibration */
LL_ADC_StartCalibration( ADC1 );
while ((LL_ADC_IsCalibrationOnGoing(ADC1) == SET) ||
(LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing(ADC1) == SET) ||
(LL_ADC_REG_IsStopConversionOngoing(ADC1) == SET) ||
(LL_ADC_IsDisableOngoing(ADC1) == SET))
/* wait */
/* Enables the ADC peripheral */
LL_ADC_Enable( ADC1 );
/* Wait ADC Ready */
while ( LL_ADC_IsActiveFlag_ADRDY( ADC1 ) == RESET )
/* wait */
/* DMA1 Channel1 Config */
LL_DMA_SetMemoryAddress( DMA1, LL_DMA_CHANNEL_1, ( uint32_t )pHandle->ADC1_DMA_converted );
LL_DMA_SetPeriphAddress( DMA1, LL_DMA_CHANNEL_1, ( uint32_t )&ADC1->DR );
LL_DMA_SetDataLength(DMA1, LL_DMA_CHANNEL_1, 3);
/* Enables the DMA1 Channel1 peripheral */
LL_DMA_EnableChannel( DMA1, LL_DMA_CHANNEL_1 );
/* disable ADC source trigger */
/* Enable PWM channel */
LL_TIM_CC_EnableChannel( TIM1, TIMxCCER_MASK_CH123 );
/* set default triggering edge */
/* We allow ADC usage for regular conversion on Systick*/
LL_TIM_EnableCounter( TIM1 );
* @brief Stores in @p pHdl handler the calibrated @p offsets.
__weak void R3_1_SetOffsetCalib(PWMC_Handle_t *pHdl, PolarizationOffsets_t *offsets)
PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t *pHandle = (PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t *)pHdl; //cstat !MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3
pHandle->PhaseAOffset = offsets->phaseAOffset;
pHandle->PhaseBOffset = offsets->phaseBOffset;
pHandle->PhaseCOffset = offsets->phaseCOffset;
pHdl->offsetCalibStatus = true;
* @brief Reads the calibrated @p offsets stored in @p pHdl.
__weak void R3_1_GetOffsetCalib(PWMC_Handle_t *pHdl, PolarizationOffsets_t *offsets)
PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t *pHandle = (PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t *)pHdl; //cstat !MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3
offsets->phaseAOffset = pHandle->PhaseAOffset;
offsets->phaseBOffset = pHandle->PhaseBOffset;
offsets->phaseCOffset = pHandle->PhaseCOffset;
* @brief Stores into the @p pHdl handler the voltage present on Ia and
* Ib current feedback analog channels when no current is flowing into the
* motor.
__weak void R3_1_CurrentReadingCalibration( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl )
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_disable = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * pHandle = ( PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * )pHdl;
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_restore = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
TIM_TypeDef * TIMx = TIM1;
volatile PWMC_GetPhaseCurr_Cb_t GetPhaseCurrCbSave;
volatile PWMC_SetSampPointSectX_Cb_t SetSampPointSectXCbSave;
if (false == pHandle->_Super.offsetCalibStatus)
/* Save callback routines */
GetPhaseCurrCbSave = pHandle->_Super.pFctGetPhaseCurrents;
SetSampPointSectXCbSave = pHandle->_Super.pFctSetADCSampPointSectX;
pHandle->PhaseAOffset = 0u;
pHandle->PhaseBOffset = 0u;
pHandle->PhaseCOffset = 0u;
pHandle->PolarizationCounter = 0u;
/* It forces inactive level on TIMx CHy and CHyN */
LL_TIM_CC_DisableChannel( TIMx, TIMxCCER_MASK_CH123 );
/* Offset calibration for A B c phases */
/* Change function to be executed in ADCx_ISR */
pHandle->_Super.pFctGetPhaseCurrents = &R3_1_HFCurrentsCalibrationAB;
pHandle->_Super.pFctSetADCSampPointSectX = &R3_1_SetADCSampPointCalibration;
pHandle->PolarizationSector = SECTOR_5;
/* Mandatory to force first polarization conversion on SECTOR_5*/
pHandle->_Super.Sector = SECTOR_5;
R3_1_SwitchOnPWM( &pHandle->_Super );
/* Wait for NB_CONVERSIONS to be executed */
waitForPolarizationEnd( TIMx,
&pHandle->PolarizationCounter );
R3_1_SwitchOffPWM( &pHandle->_Super );
pHandle->_Super.pFctGetPhaseCurrents = &R3_1_HFCurrentsCalibrationC;
pHandle->PolarizationSector = SECTOR_1;
/* Mandatory to force first polarization conversion on SECTOR_1*/
pHandle->_Super.Sector = SECTOR_1;
pHandle->PolarizationCounter = 0;
R3_1_SwitchOnPWM( &pHandle->_Super );
/* Wait for NB_CONVERSIONS to be executed */
waitForPolarizationEnd( TIMx,
&pHandle->PolarizationCounter );
R3_1_SwitchOffPWM( &pHandle->_Super );
/* Mean Value of PhaseCurrents Offset calculation by 4bit shifting operation
* instead division by NB_CONVERSIONS value fixed to 16. */
pHandle->PhaseAOffset = pHandle->PhaseAOffset / NB_CONVERSIONS;
pHandle->PhaseBOffset = pHandle->PhaseBOffset / NB_CONVERSIONS;
pHandle->PhaseCOffset = pHandle->PhaseCOffset / NB_CONVERSIONS;
if (0U == pHandle->_Super.SWerror)
pHandle->_Super.offsetCalibStatus = true;
/* nothing to do */
/* Restore functions to be executed in ADCx_ISR */
pHandle->_Super.pFctGetPhaseCurrents = GetPhaseCurrCbSave;
pHandle->_Super.pFctSetADCSampPointSectX = SetSampPointSectXCbSave;
/* It over write TIMx CCRy wrongly written by FOC during calibration so as to
force 50% duty cycle on the three inverer legs */
/* Disable TIMx preload */
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH1 (TIMx, pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod >> 1u);
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH2 (TIMx, pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod >> 1u);
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH3 (TIMx, pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod >> 1u);
/* generate COM event to apply new CC values */
LL_TIM_GenerateEvent_COM( TIMx );
/* It re-enable drive of TIMx CHy and CHyN by TIMx CHyRef*/
LL_TIM_CC_EnableChannel( TIMx, TIMxCCER_MASK_CH123 );
pHandle->_Super.Sector = SECTOR_5;
pHandle->_Super.BrakeActionLock = false;
* @brief Computes and stores in @p pHdl handler the latest converted motor phase currents in @p pStator_Currents ab_t format.
__weak void R3_1_GetPhaseCurrents( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl, ab_t * pStator_Currents )
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_disable = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * pHandle = ( PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * )pHdl;
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_restore = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
int32_t wAux;
uint16_t hReg1;
uint16_t hReg2;
uint8_t bSector;
/* disable ADC trigger source */
bSector = ( uint8_t ) pHandle->_Super.Sector;
hReg1 = *pHandle->pParams_str->ADCDataReg1[bSector];
hReg2 = *pHandle->pParams_str->ADCDataReg2[bSector];
switch ( bSector )
case SECTOR_4:
case SECTOR_5:
/* Current on Phase C is not accessible */
/* Ia = PhaseAOffset - ADC converted value) ------------------------------*/
wAux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseAOffset ) - ( int32_t )( hReg1 );
/* Saturation of Ia */
if ( wAux < -INT16_MAX )
pStator_Currents->a = -INT16_MAX;
else if ( wAux > INT16_MAX )
pStator_Currents->a = INT16_MAX;
pStator_Currents->a = ( int16_t )wAux;
/* Ib = PhaseBOffset - ADC converted value) ------------------------------*/
wAux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseBOffset ) - ( int32_t )( hReg2 );
/* Saturation of Ib */
if ( wAux < -INT16_MAX )
pStator_Currents->b = -INT16_MAX;
else if ( wAux > INT16_MAX )
pStator_Currents->b = INT16_MAX;
pStator_Currents->b = ( int16_t )wAux;
case SECTOR_6:
case SECTOR_1:
/* Current on Phase A is not accessible */
/* Ib = (PhaseBOffset - ADC converted value) ------------------------------*/
wAux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseBOffset ) - ( int32_t )( hReg1 );
/* Saturation of Ib */
if ( wAux < -INT16_MAX )
pStator_Currents->b = -INT16_MAX;
else if ( wAux > INT16_MAX )
pStator_Currents->b = INT16_MAX;
pStator_Currents->b = ( int16_t )wAux;
/* Ic = PhaseCOffset - ADC converted value) */
/* Ia = -Ic -Ib */
wAux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseCOffset ) - ( int32_t )( hReg2 );
wAux = -wAux - ( int32_t )pStator_Currents->b;
/* Saturation of Ia */
if ( wAux > INT16_MAX )
pStator_Currents->a = INT16_MAX;
else if ( wAux < -INT16_MAX )
pStator_Currents->a = -INT16_MAX;
pStator_Currents->a = ( int16_t )wAux;
case SECTOR_2:
case SECTOR_3:
/* Current on Phase B is not accessible */
/* Ia = PhaseAOffset - ADC converted value) ------------------------------*/
wAux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseAOffset ) - ( int32_t )( hReg1 );
/* Saturation of Ia */
if ( wAux < -INT16_MAX )
pStator_Currents->a = -INT16_MAX;
else if ( wAux > INT16_MAX )
pStator_Currents->a = INT16_MAX;
pStator_Currents->a = ( int16_t )wAux;
/* Ic = PhaseCOffset - ADC converted value) ------------------------------*/
wAux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseCOffset ) - ( int32_t )( hReg2 );
/* Ib = -Ic -Ia */
wAux = -wAux - ( int32_t )pStator_Currents->a; /* Ib */
/* Saturation of Ib */
if ( wAux > INT16_MAX )
pStator_Currents->b = INT16_MAX;
else if ( wAux < -INT16_MAX )
pStator_Currents->b = -INT16_MAX;
pStator_Currents->b = ( int16_t )wAux;
pHandle->_Super.Ia = pStator_Currents->a;
pHandle->_Super.Ib = pStator_Currents->b;
pHandle->_Super.Ic = -pStator_Currents->a - pStator_Currents->b;
* @brief Computes and stores in @p pHdl handler the latest converted motor phase currents in @p Iab ab_t format. Specific to overmodulation.
__weak void R3_1_GetPhaseCurrents_OVM( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl, ab_t * Iab )
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_disable = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
#endif /* __ICCARM__ */
PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * pHandle = ( PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * )pHdl;
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_restore = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
#endif /* __ICCARM__ */
uint8_t Sector;
int32_t Aux;
uint32_t ADCDataReg1;
uint32_t ADCDataReg2;
/* disable ADC trigger source */
Sector = ( uint8_t )pHandle->_Super.Sector;
ADCDataReg1 = *pHandle->pParams_str->ADCDataReg1[Sector];
ADCDataReg2 = *pHandle->pParams_str->ADCDataReg2[Sector];
switch ( Sector )
case SECTOR_4:
/* Current on Phase C is not accessible */
/* Ia = PhaseAOffset - ADC converted value) */
Aux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseAOffset ) - ( int32_t )( ADCDataReg1 );
/* Saturation of Ia */
if ( Aux < -INT16_MAX )
Iab->a = -INT16_MAX;
else if ( Aux > INT16_MAX )
Iab->a = INT16_MAX;
Iab->a = ( int16_t )Aux;
if (pHandle->_Super.useEstCurrent == true)
// Ib not available, use estimated Ib
Aux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->_Super.IbEst );
/* Ib = PhaseBOffset - ADC converted value) */
Aux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseBOffset ) - ( int32_t )( ADCDataReg2 );
/* Saturation of Ib */
if ( Aux < -INT16_MAX )
Iab->b = -INT16_MAX;
else if ( Aux > INT16_MAX )
Iab->b = INT16_MAX;
Iab->b = ( int16_t )Aux;
case SECTOR_5:
/* Current on Phase C is not accessible */
/* Ia = PhaseAOffset - ADC converted value) */
if (pHandle->_Super.useEstCurrent == true)
// Ia not available, use estimated Ia
Aux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->_Super.IaEst );
Aux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseAOffset ) - ( int32_t )( ADCDataReg1 );
/* Saturation of Ia */
if ( Aux < -INT16_MAX )
Iab->a = -INT16_MAX;
else if ( Aux > INT16_MAX )
Iab->a = INT16_MAX;
Iab->a = ( int16_t )Aux;
/* Ib = PhaseBOffset - ADC converted value) */
Aux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseBOffset ) - ( int32_t )( ADCDataReg2 );
/* Saturation of Ib */
if ( Aux < -INT16_MAX )
Iab->b = -INT16_MAX;
else if ( Aux > INT16_MAX )
Iab->b = INT16_MAX;
Iab->b = ( int16_t )Aux;
case SECTOR_6:
/* Current on Phase A is not accessible */
/* Ib = PhaseBOffset - ADC converted value) */
Aux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseBOffset ) - ( int32_t )( ADCDataReg1 );
/* Saturation of Ib */
if ( Aux < -INT16_MAX )
Iab->b = -INT16_MAX;
else if ( Aux > INT16_MAX )
Iab->b = INT16_MAX;
Iab->b = ( int16_t )Aux;
if (pHandle->_Super.useEstCurrent == true)
Aux = ( int32_t ) pHandle->_Super.IcEst ; /* -Ic */
Aux -= ( int32_t )Iab->b;
/* Ia = -Ic -Ib */
Aux = ( int32_t )( ADCDataReg2 ) - ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseCOffset ); /* -Ic */
Aux -= ( int32_t )Iab->b; /* Ia */
/* Saturation of Ia */
if ( Aux > INT16_MAX )
Iab->a = INT16_MAX;
else if ( Aux < -INT16_MAX )
Iab->a = -INT16_MAX;
Iab->a = ( int16_t )Aux;
case SECTOR_1:
/* Current on Phase A is not accessible */
/* Ib = PhaseBOffset - ADC converted value) */
if (pHandle->_Super.useEstCurrent == true)
Aux = ( int32_t ) pHandle->_Super.IbEst;
Aux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseBOffset ) - ( int32_t )( ADCDataReg1 );
/* Saturation of Ib */
if ( Aux < -INT16_MAX )
Iab->b = -INT16_MAX;
else if ( Aux > INT16_MAX )
Iab->b = INT16_MAX;
Iab->b = ( int16_t )Aux;
/* Ia = -Ic -Ib */
Aux = ( int32_t )( ADCDataReg2 ) - ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseCOffset ); /* -Ic */
Aux -= ( int32_t )Iab->b; /* Ia */
/* Saturation of Ia */
if ( Aux > INT16_MAX )
Iab->a = INT16_MAX;
else if ( Aux < -INT16_MAX )
Iab->a = -INT16_MAX;
Iab->a = ( int16_t )Aux;
case SECTOR_2:
/* Current on Phase B is not accessible */
/* Ia = PhaseAOffset - ADC converted value) */
if (pHandle->_Super.useEstCurrent == true)
Aux = ( int32_t ) pHandle->_Super.IaEst;
Aux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseAOffset ) - ( int32_t )( ADCDataReg1 );
/* Saturation of Ia */
if ( Aux < -INT16_MAX )
Iab->a = -INT16_MAX;
else if ( Aux > INT16_MAX )
Iab->a = INT16_MAX;
Iab->a = ( int16_t )Aux;
/* Ib = -Ic -Ia */
Aux = ( int32_t )( ADCDataReg2 ) - ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseCOffset ); /* -Ic */
Aux -= ( int32_t )Iab->a; /* Ib */
/* Saturation of Ib */
if ( Aux > INT16_MAX )
Iab->b = INT16_MAX;
else if ( Aux < -INT16_MAX )
Iab->b = -INT16_MAX;
Iab->b = ( int16_t )Aux;
case SECTOR_3:
/* Current on Phase B is not accessible */
/* Ia = PhaseAOffset - ADC converted value) */
Aux = ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseAOffset ) - ( int32_t )( ADCDataReg1 );
/* Saturation of Ia */
if ( Aux < -INT16_MAX )
Iab->a = -INT16_MAX;
else if ( Aux > INT16_MAX )
Iab->a = INT16_MAX;
Iab->a = ( int16_t )Aux;
if (pHandle->_Super.useEstCurrent == true)
/* Ib = -Ic -Ia */
Aux = ( int32_t ) pHandle->_Super.IcEst; /* -Ic */
Aux -= ( int32_t )Iab->a; /* Ib */
/* Ib = -Ic -Ia */
Aux = ( int32_t )( ADCDataReg2 ) - ( int32_t )( pHandle->PhaseCOffset ); /* -Ic */
Aux -= ( int32_t )Iab->a; /* Ib */
/* Saturation of Ib */
if ( Aux > INT16_MAX )
Iab->b = INT16_MAX;
else if ( Aux < -INT16_MAX )
Iab->b = -INT16_MAX;
Iab->b = ( int16_t )Aux;
pHandle->_Super.Ia = Iab->a;
pHandle->_Super.Ib = Iab->b;
pHandle->_Super.Ic = -Iab->a - Iab->b;
* @brief Configures the ADC for the current sampling during calibration.
* It sets the ADC sequence length and channels, and the sampling point via TIMx_Ch4 value and polarity.
* It then calls the WriteTIMRegisters method.
* @param pHdl: Handler of the current instance of the PWM component.
* @retval Return value of R3_1_WriteTIMRegisters.
__weak uint16_t R3_1_SetADCSampPointCalibration( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl )
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_disable = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * pHandle = ( PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * )pHdl;
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_restore = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
pHandle->_Super.Sector = pHandle->PolarizationSector;
return R3_1_WriteTIMRegisters( pHdl, ( uint16_t )( pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod ) - 1u);
* @brief Configures the ADC for the current sampling related to sector X (X = [1..6] ).
* Sets the ADC sequence length and channels and sets the sampling point via TIMx_Ch4 value and polarity.
* The WriteTIMRegisters method is then called.
* @param pHdl: Handler of the current instance of the PWM component.
* @retval uint16_t Returns the value of R3_1_WriteTIMRegisters.
__weak uint16_t R3_1_SetADCSampPointSectX( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl )
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_disable = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * pHandle = ( PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * )pHdl;
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_restore = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
uint16_t SamplingPoint;
uint16_t DeltaDuty;
/* Check if sampling the AB phases in the middle of the PWM period is possible */
if ((uint16_t)(pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod - pHdl->lowDuty) > pHandle->pParams_str->Tafter)
/* When it is possible to sample in the middle of the PWM period, always sample the same phases
* (AB are chosen) for all sectors in order to not induce current discontinuities when there are
* differences between offsets */
/* Sector number needed by GetPhaseCurrent, phase A and B are sampled which corresponds to
* sector 4 or 5 */
pHandle->_Super.Sector = SECTOR_5;
/* Set the sampling point in the middle of the PWM period */
SamplingPoint = pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod - 1u;
/* In this case it is necessary to sample phases with maximum and variable complementary duty cycle */
/* In every sector there is always one phase with maximum complementary duty, one with minimum
* complementary duty and one with variable complementary duty. In this case, phases with variable
* and maximum complementary duty are converted, always starting with the one with variable
* complementary duty cycle */
if ( (uint16_t )( pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod - pHdl->lowDuty ) > pHandle->pParams_str->Tcase2 )
SamplingPoint = pHdl->lowDuty + pHandle->pParams_str->Tbefore;
if( SamplingPoint >= pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod )
SamplingPoint = ( 2u * pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod ) - SamplingPoint - 1u;
/* Trigger direction must be changed from rising to falling
* edge to sample after the PWM period center */
DeltaDuty = ( uint16_t )( pHdl->lowDuty - pHdl->midDuty );
/* There is no time to sample during the minimum duty window, sampling is executed between
* variable and minimum complementary duty */
if ( DeltaDuty > pHandle->pParams_str->Tcase3 )
SamplingPoint = pHdl->lowDuty - pHandle->pParams_str->Tbefore;
/* No suitable sampling window has been found, sampling is executed in the middle of the
* PWM Period. Current instabilities are to be expected */
SamplingPoint = pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod - 1u;
return R3_1_WriteTIMRegisters( &pHandle->_Super, SamplingPoint );
* @brief Configures the ADC for the current sampling related to sector X (X = [1..6] ) in case of overmodulation.
* Sets the ADC sequence length and channels and sets the sampling point via TIMx_Ch4 value and polarity.
* The WriteTIMRegisters method is then called.
* @param pHdl: Handler of the current instance of the PWM component.
* @retval uint16_t Returns the value of R3_1_WriteTIMRegisters.
uint16_t R3_1_SetADCSampPointSectX_OVM( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl )
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_disable = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
#endif /* __ICCARM__ */
PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * pHandle = ( PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * )pHdl;
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_restore = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
#endif /* __ICCARM__ */
uint16_t SamplingPoint;
uint16_t DeltaDuty;
pHandle->_Super.useEstCurrent = false;
/* Check if sampling the AB phases in the middle of the PWM period is possible */
if ( ( uint16_t )( pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod - pHdl->lowDuty ) > pHandle->pParams_str->Tafter )
/* When it is possible to sample in the middle of the PWM period, always sample the same phases
* (AB are chosen) for all sectors in order to not induce current discontinuities when there are differences
* between offsets */
/* Sector number needed by GetPhaseCurrent, phase A and B are sampled which corresponds to
* sector 4 or 5 */
pHandle->_Super.Sector = SECTOR_5;
/* Set the sampling point in the middle of the PWM period */
SamplingPoint = pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod - 1u;
/* In this case it is necessary to sample phases with maximum and variable complementary duty cycle.*/
/* In every sector there is always one phase with maximum complementary duty, one with minimum
* complementary duty and one with variable complementary duty. In this case, phases with variable
* complementary duty and with maximum duty are converted and the first will be always the phase
* with variable complementary duty cycle */
if ( ( uint16_t )( pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod - pHdl->lowDuty ) > pHandle->pParams_str->Tcase2 )
SamplingPoint = pHdl->lowDuty + pHandle->pParams_str->Tbefore;
if( SamplingPoint >= pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod )
SamplingPoint = ( 2u * pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod ) - SamplingPoint - 1u;
/* Trigger direction must be changed from rising to falling
* edge to sample after the PWM period center */
DeltaDuty = ( uint16_t )( pHdl->lowDuty - pHdl->midDuty );
/* If there is no time to sample during the minimum duty window, sampling is executed between
* variable duty and maximum duty (cf Case 3 User Manual) */
if ( DeltaDuty > pHandle->pParams_str->Tcase3 )
SamplingPoint = pHdl->lowDuty - pHandle->pParams_str->Tbefore;
/* No suitable sampling window has been found, sampling is executed in the middle of the PWM
* Period. Sampled currents will be disregarded and estimated currents will be used instead */
SamplingPoint = pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod - 1u;
pHandle->_Super.useEstCurrent = true;
return R3_1_WriteTIMRegisters( &pHandle->_Super, SamplingPoint );
* @brief Writes into peripheral registers the new duty cycles and sampling point.
* @param pHdl: Handler of the current instance of the PWM component.
* @param hCCR4Reg: New capture/compare register value, written in timer clock counts.
* @retval Returns #MC_NO_ERROR if no error occurred or #MC_DURATION if the duty cycles were
* set too late for being taken into account in the next PWM cycle.
__weak uint16_t R3_1_WriteTIMRegisters( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl, uint16_t hCCR4Reg)
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_disable = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * pHandle = ( PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * )pHdl;
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_restore = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
TIM_TypeDef * TIMx = pHandle->pParams_str->TIMx;
uint16_t hAux;
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH1 ( TIMx, (uint32_t)pHandle->_Super.CntPhA );
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH2 ( TIMx, (uint32_t)pHandle->_Super.CntPhB );
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH3 ( TIMx, (uint32_t)pHandle->_Super.CntPhC );
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH4 ( TIMx, (uint32_t)hCCR4Reg );
/* Re-configuration of CCR4 must be done before the timer update to be taken
into account at the next PWM cycle. Otherwise we are too late, we flag a
if (((TIMx->CR2) & TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk) != LL_TIM_TRGO_RESET )
if ( pHandle->_Super.SWerror == 1u )
pHandle->_Super.SWerror = 0u;
return hAux;
* @brief Implementation of PWMC_GetPhaseCurrents to be performed during calibration.
* It sums up injected conversion data into PhaseAOffset and wPhaseBOffset
* to compute the offset introduced in the current feedback network. It is required to
* properly configure ADC inputs before in order to enable offset computation.
* @param pHdl: Pointer on the target component instance.
* @param pStator_Currents: Pointer to the structure that will receive motor current
* of phase A and B in ab_t format.
__weak void R3_1_HFCurrentsCalibrationAB( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl, ab_t * pStator_Currents )
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_disable = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * pHandle = ( PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * )pHdl;
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_restore = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
TIM_TypeDef * TIMx = TIM1;
uint8_t bSector = pHandle->PolarizationSector;
/* disable ADC trigger source */
if ( pHandle->PolarizationCounter < NB_CONVERSIONS )
pHandle->PhaseAOffset += *pHandle->pParams_str->ADCDataReg1[bSector];
pHandle->PhaseBOffset += *pHandle->pParams_str->ADCDataReg2[bSector];
/* during offset calibration no current is flowing in the phases */
pStator_Currents->a = 0;
pStator_Currents->b = 0;
* @brief Implementation of PWMC_GetPhaseCurrents to be performed during calibration.
* It sums up injected conversion data into PhaseCOffset to compute the offset
* introduced in the current feedback network. It is required to properly configure
* ADC inputs before in order to enable offset computation.
* @param pHdl: Pointer on the target component instance.
* @param pStator_Currents: Pointer to the structure that will receive motor current
* of phase A and B in ab_t format.
__weak void R3_1_HFCurrentsCalibrationC( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl, ab_t * pStator_Currents )
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_disable = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * pHandle = ( PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * )pHdl;
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_restore = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
TIM_TypeDef * TIMx = TIM1;
uint8_t bSector = pHandle->PolarizationSector;
/* disable ADC trigger source */
pHandle->_Super.Sector = SECTOR_1;
if ( pHandle->PolarizationCounter < NB_CONVERSIONS )
pHandle->PhaseCOffset += *pHandle->pParams_str->ADCDataReg2[bSector];
/* during offset calibration no current is flowing in the phases */
pStator_Currents->a = 0;
pStator_Currents->b = 0;
* @brief Turns on low sides switches.
* This function is intended to be used for charging boot capacitors of driving section. It has to be
* called each motor start-up when using high voltage drivers.
* @param pHdl: Handler of the current instance of the PWM component
* @param ticks: Timer ticks value to be applied
* Min value: 0 (low sides ON)
* Max value: PWM_PERIOD_CYCLES/2 (low sides OFF)
__weak void R3_1_TurnOnLowSides( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl, uint32_t ticks)
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_disable = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * pHandle = ( PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * )pHdl;
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_restore = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
TIM_TypeDef * TIMx = TIM1;
pHandle->_Super.TurnOnLowSidesAction = true;
/* Clear Update Flag */
LL_TIM_ClearFlag_UPDATE( TIMx );
/*Turn on the three low side switches */
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH1(TIMx, ticks);
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH2(TIMx, ticks);
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH3(TIMx, ticks);
/* Wait until next update */
while ( LL_TIM_IsActiveFlag_UPDATE( TIMx ) == RESET )
/* Main PWM Output Enable */
if ( ( pHandle->_Super.LowSideOutputs ) == ES_GPIO )
/* Enable signals activation */
LL_GPIO_SetOutputPin( pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_u_port, pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_u_pin );
LL_GPIO_SetOutputPin( pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_v_port, pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_v_pin );
LL_GPIO_SetOutputPin( pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_w_port, pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_w_pin );
* @brief Enables PWM generation on the proper Timer peripheral acting on MOE bit.
* @param pHdl: Handler of the current instance of the PWM component.
__weak void R3_1_SwitchOnPWM( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl )
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_disable = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * pHandle = ( PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * )pHdl;
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_restore = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
TIM_TypeDef * TIMx = TIM1;
pHandle->_Super.TurnOnLowSidesAction = false;
/* We forbid ADC usage for regular conversion on Systick*/
/* Set all duty to 50% */
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH1(TIMx, (uint32_t)(pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod >> 1));
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH2(TIMx, (uint32_t)(pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod >> 1));
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH3(TIMx, (uint32_t)(pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod >> 1));
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH4(TIMx, (uint32_t)(pHandle->Half_PWMPeriod - 5u));
/* Wait for a new PWM period */
LL_TIM_ClearFlag_UPDATE( TIMx );
while ( LL_TIM_IsActiveFlag_UPDATE( TIMx ) == RESET )
/* Clear Update Flag */
LL_TIM_ClearFlag_UPDATE( TIMx );
/* Main PWM Output Enable */
if ( ( pHandle->_Super.LowSideOutputs ) == ES_GPIO )
if ( LL_TIM_CC_IsEnabledChannel(TIMx, TIMxCCER_MASK_CH123) != 0u )
LL_GPIO_SetOutputPin( pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_u_port, pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_u_pin );
LL_GPIO_SetOutputPin( pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_v_port, pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_v_pin );
LL_GPIO_SetOutputPin( pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_w_port, pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_w_pin );
/* It is executed during calibration phase the EN signal shall stay off */
LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin( pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_u_port, pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_u_pin );
LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin( pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_v_port, pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_v_pin );
LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin( pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_w_port, pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_w_pin );
/* Configuration of DMA and ADC to next conversions */
/* Overwriting the CHSELR resgister is allowed because the ADC conversion
is stopped by the R3_1_SwitchOffPWM function */
LL_ADC_SetSamplingTimeCommonChannels ( ADC1, pHandle->pParams_str->b_ISamplingTime );
/* Setting of the DMA Buffer Size.*/
/* NOTE. This register (CNDTRx) must not be written when the DMAy Channel x is ENABLED */
LL_DMA_DisableChannel( DMA1, LL_DMA_CHANNEL_1 );
/* Write the Buffer size on CNDTR register */
LL_DMA_SetDataLength( DMA1, LL_DMA_CHANNEL_1, 2u );
/* DMA Enabling */
LL_DMA_EnableChannel( DMA1, LL_DMA_CHANNEL_1 );
/* Clear EOC */
LL_ADC_ClearFlag_EOC( ADC1 );
/* Enable ADC DMA request*/
/* Clear Pending Interrupt Bits */
LL_DMA_ClearFlag_HT1( DMA1 ); // TBC: for TC1, GL1 (not cleared ...)
/* DMA Interrupt Event configuration */
/* Clear Update Flag */
LL_TIM_ClearFlag_UPDATE( TIMx );
/* Enable Update IRQ */
* @brief Disables PWM generation on the proper Timer peripheral acting on MOE bit.
* @param pHdl: Handler of the current instance of the PWM component.
__weak void R3_1_SwitchOffPWM( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl )
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_disable = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * pHandle = ( PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * )pHdl;
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma cstat_restore = "MISRAC2012-Rule-11.3"
TIM_TypeDef * TIMx = TIM1;
/* Enable Update IRQ */
pHandle->_Super.TurnOnLowSidesAction = false;
/* Main PWM Output Disable */
if ( pHandle->_Super.BrakeActionLock == true )
if ( ( pHandle->_Super.LowSideOutputs ) == ES_GPIO )
LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin( pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_u_port, pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_u_pin );
LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin( pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_v_port, pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_v_pin );
LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin( pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_w_port, pHandle->_Super.pwm_en_w_pin );
/* Disabling of DMA Interrupt Event configured */
LL_ADC_REG_StopConversion( ADC1 );
/* Disable ADC DMA request*/
/* Clear Transmission Complete Flag of DMA1 Channel1 */
LL_DMA_ClearFlag_TC1( DMA1 );
/* Clear EOC */
LL_ADC_ClearFlag_EOC( ADC1 );
/* The ADC is not triggered anymore by the PWM timer */
/* We allow ADC usage for regular conversion on Systick*/
/* Wait for a new PWM period */
LL_TIM_ClearFlag_UPDATE( TIMx );
while ( LL_TIM_IsActiveFlag_UPDATE( TIMx ) == RESET )
/* Clear Update Flag */
LL_TIM_ClearFlag_UPDATE( TIMx );
* @brief Contains the TIMx Update event interrupt.
* @param pHandle: Handler of the current instance of the PWM component.
void * R3_1_TIMx_UP_IRQHandler( PWMC_R3_1_Handle_t * pHandle )
/* Set the trigger polarity as computed inside SetADCSampPointSectX*/
LL_ADC_REG_SetTriggerEdge (ADC1, pHandle->ADCTriggerEdge);
/* Set ADC trigger source */
/* Set scan direction according to the sector */
LL_ADC_REG_SetSequencerScanDirection(ADC1, pHandle->pParams_str->ADCScandir[pHandle->_Super.Sector]<CHSELR = pHandle->pParams_str->ADCConfig[pHandle->_Super.Sector];
/* ReConfigure sampling time, as deconfigured by reg_conv_manager */
LL_ADC_SetSamplingTimeCommonChannels ( ADC1, pHandle->pParams_str->b_ISamplingTime );
/* Disable ADC source trigger */
LL_TIM_SetTriggerOutput(TIM1, LL_TIM_TRGO_OC4REF);
/* ADC needs to be restarted because DMA is configured as limited */
LL_ADC_REG_StartConversion( ADC1 );
/* Reset the ADC trigger edge for next conversion */
return &pHandle->_Super.Motor;
* @}
* @}
* @}
/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT 2024 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/