{ "algorithm": "sixStep", "description": "", "checkList": {}, "hardwares": { "type": "KIT", "control": { "mcu": { "id": "STM32G431RBTx" }, "clockSource": "24_crystal", "clockFrequency": 170, "connectors": [ { "name": "Morpho CN7/CN10", "type": "morpho", "terminals": { "ML1": [ { "name": "PC10", "help": "CN7.1", "cost": 0 } ], "ML2": [ { "name": "PC11", "help": "CN7.2", "cost": 0 } ], "ML3": [ { "name": "PC12", "help": "CN7.3", "cost": 0 } ], "ML4": [ { "name": "PD2", "help": "CN7.4", "cost": 0 } ], "ML5": [ { "name": "VDD", "help": "CN7.5", "cost": 0 } ], "ML6": [ { "name": "E5V", "help": "CN7.6", "cost": 0 } ], "ML7": [ { "name": "BOOT0", "help": "CN7.7 BOOT0 is not connected by default. The BOOT0 function is done by SW:\n Option byte nSWBOOT0 must be set to 0 (in that case, BOOT0 is taken from the Option byte nBOOT0)\n Option byte nBOOT0 must be set to 1 (in that case BOOT0 is active low. \n If nSWBOOT0 is set to 0, the BOOT0 is taken from pin PB8 / BOOT0.", "cost": 0 } ], "ML8": [ { "name": "GND", "help": "CN7.8", "cost": 0 } ], "ML9": [ { "name": "NC", "help": "CN7.9", "cost": 0 } ], "ML10": [ { "name": "NC", "help": "CN7.10", "cost": 0 } ], "ML11": [ { "name": "NC", "help": "CN7.11", "cost": 0 } ], "ML12": [ { "name": "IOREF", "help": "CN7.12", "cost": 0 } ], "ML13": [ { "name": "PA13", "help": "CN7.13 PA13 and PA14 are shared with SWD signals connected to STLINK-V3E. It is not recommended to use them as I/O pins.", "cost": 0 } ], "ML14": [ { "name": "NRST", "help": "CN7.14", "cost": 0 } ], "ML15": [ { "name": "PA14", "help": "CN7.15 PA13 and PA14 are shared with SWD signals connected to STLINK-V3E. It is not recommended to use them as I/O pins.", "cost": 0 } ], "ML16": [ { "name": "3V3", "help": "CN7.16", "cost": 0 } ], "ML17": [ { "name": "PA15", "help": "CN7.17. DA RIVEDERE??? Close SB7 solder bridge (factory default)", "cost": 0 } ], "ML18": [ { "name": "5V", "help": "CN7.18", "cost": 0 } ], "ML19": [ { "name": "GND", "help": "CN7.19", "cost": 0 } ], "ML20": [ { "name": "GND", "help": "CN7.20", "cost": 0 } ], "ML21": [ { "name": "PB7", "help": "CN7.21", "cost": 0 } ], "ML22": [ { "name": "GND", "help": "CN7.22", "cost": 0 } ], "ML23": [ { "name": "PC13", "help": "CN7.23", "cost": 0 } ], "ML24": [ { "name": "VIN", "help": "CN7.24", "cost": 0 } ], "ML25": [ { "name": "PC14", "help": "CN7.25", "cost": 0 } ], "ML26": [ { "name": "NC", "help": "CN7.26", "cost": 0 } ], "ML27": [ { "name": "PC15", "help": "CN7.27", "cost": 0 } ], "ML28": [ { "name": "PA0", "help": "CN7.28", "cost": 0 } ], "ML29": [ { "name": "PF0", "help": "CN7.29", "cost": 0 } ], "ML30": [ { "name": "PA1", "help": "CN7.30", "cost": 0 } ], "ML31": [ { "name": "PF1", "help": "CN7.31", "cost": 0 } ], "ML32": [ { "name": "PA4", "help": "CN7.32", "cost": 0 } ], "ML33": [ { "name": "VBAT", "help": "CN7.33", "cost": 0 } ], "ML34": [ { "name": "PB0", "help": "CN7.34", "cost": 0 } ], "ML35": [ { "name": "PC2", "help": "CN7.35", "cost": 0 } ], "ML36": [ { "name": "PC1", "help": "CN7.36. Close SB35 solder bridge and leave SB37 open (factory default)", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "PB9", "help": "CN7.36. Open SB35 solder bridge and close SB37", "cost": 10 } ], "ML37": [ { "name": "PC3", "help": "CN7.37", "cost": 0 } ], "ML38": [ { "name": "PC0", "help": "CN7.38. Close SB36 solder bridge and leave SB34 open (factory default)", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "PA15", "help": "CN7.38. Open SB37 solder bridge and close SB34", "cost": 10 } ], "MR1": [ { "name": "PC9", "help": "CN10.1", "cost": 0 } ], "MR2": [ { "name": "PC8", "help": "CN10.2", "cost": 0 } ], "MR3": [ { "name": "PB8", "help": "CN10.3. Close SB2 solder bridge (factory default)", "cost": 0 } ], "MR4": [ { "name": "PC6", "help": "CN10.4", "cost": 0 } ], "MR5": [ { "name": "PB9", "help": "CN10.5", "cost": 0 } ], "MR6": [ { "name": "PC5", "help": "CN10.6. Close SB3 solder bridge (factory default)", "cost": 0 } ], "MR7": [ { "name": "VREFP", "help": "CN10.7 AVDD connected to VREF+", "cost": 0 } ], "MR8": [ { "name": "5V_USB_CHGR", "help": "CN10.8 5V_USB_CHGR is the 5 V power from the STLINK-V3E USB connector that rises first.\n It rises before the 5 V rising on the board", "cost": 0 } ], "MR9": [ { "name": "GND", "help": "CN10.9", "cost": 0 } ], "MR10": [ { "name": "NC", "help": "CN10.10", "cost": 0 } ], "MR11": [ { "name": "PA5", "help": "CN10.11", "cost": 0 } ], "MR12": [ { "name": "PA12", "help": "CN10.12", "cost": 0 } ], "MR13": [ { "name": "PA6", "help": "CN10.13", "cost": 0 } ], "MR14": [ { "name": "PA11", "help": "CN10.14", "cost": 0 } ], "MR15": [ { "name": "PA7", "help": "CN10.15", "cost": 0 } ], "MR16": [ { "name": "PB12", "help": "CN10.16", "cost": 0 } ], "MR17": [ { "name": "PB6", "help": "CN10.17", "cost": 0 } ], "MR18": [ { "name": "PB11", "help": "CN10.18", "cost": 0 } ], "MR19": [ { "name": "PC7", "help": "CN10.19", "cost": 0 } ], "MR20": [ { "name": "GND", "help": "CN10.20", "cost": 0 } ], "MR21": [ { "name": "PA9", "help": "CN10.21", "cost": 0 } ], "MR22": [ { "name": "PB2", "help": "CN10.22", "cost": 0 } ], "MR23": [ { "name": "PA8", "help": "CN10.23", "cost": 0 } ], "MR24": [ { "name": "PB1", "help": "CN10.24", "cost": 0 } ], "MR25": [ { "name": "PB10", "help": "CN10.25", "cost": 0 } ], "MR26": [ { "name": "PB15", "help": "CN10.26", "cost": 0 } ], "MR27": [ { "name": "PB4", "help": "CN10.27", "cost": 0 } ], "MR28": [ { "name": "PB14", "help": "CN10.28", "cost": 0 } ], "MR29": [ { "name": "PB5", "help": "CN10.29", "cost": 0 } ], "MR30": [ { "name": "PB13", "help": "CN10.30", "cost": 0 } ], "MR31": [ { "name": "PB3", "help": "CN10.31", "cost": 0 } ], "MR32": [ { "name": "AGND", "help": "CN10.32", "cost": 0 } ], "MR33": [ { "name": "PA10", "help": "CN10.33", "cost": 0 } ], "MR34": [ { "name": "PC4", "help": "CN10.34. Close SB33 solder bridge (factory default)", "cost": 0 } ], "MR35": [ { "name": "PA2", "help": "CN10.35 Close SB33 solder bridge (factory default)", "cost": 10 }, { "name": "PC4", "help": "CN10.35. Close SB33 solder bridge (factory default)", "cost": 0 } ], "MR36": [ { "name": "NC", "help": "CN10.36", "cost": 0 } ], "MR37": [ { "name": "PA3", "help": "CN10.37 Close SB33 solder bridge (factory default)", "cost": 10 }, { "name": "PC5", "help": "CN10.37. Close SB33 solder bridge (factory default)", "cost": 0 } ], "MR38": [ { "name": "NC", "help": "CN10.38", "cost": 0 } ] }, "features": [] } ], "features": [ { "name": "StartStopButton", "type": "Button", "hwVariants": [ { "type": "PushButton", "help": "", "signals": { "BUTTON_TRIGGER": [ { "name": "PC13", "help": "", "cost": 0 } ] }, "buttonTriggerEdge": "Falling Edge", "buttonGpioConfig": "No Pull up - No Pull down" } ] }, { "name": "SerialPortCommunication", "type": "SerialPortCommunication", "hwVariants": [ { "type": "Uart2WiresCommunication", "help": "", "signals": { "UART_TX": [ { "name": "PC4", "help": "CN10.35", "cost": 10 }, { "name": "PA2", "help": "CN10.35", "cost": 0 } ], "UART_RX": [ { "name": "PC5", "help": "CN10.37", "cost": 10 }, { "name": "PA3", "help": "CN10.37", "cost": 0 } ] } } ] } ], "hardwareFamily": "CONTROL", "id": "NUCLEO-G431RB", "label": "NUCLEO-G431RB", "description": "STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32G431RB MCU, supports Arduino and ST morpho connectivity", "descVersion": 4, "contentVersion": "1.0", "compatibility": [ "FOC", "sixStep" ] }, "power": [ { "motorDrives": [ { "name": "M1", "minRatedVoltage": 7, "maxRatedVoltage": 45, "maxRatedCurrent": 2.12, "resistorOffset": 1.5, "connectorType": "morpho", "features": [ { "name": "CurrentSensing", "type": "CurrentSensing", "tRise": 500, "hwVariants": [ { "type": "ThreeShunt_AmplifiedCurrents", "help": "How to enable this variant", "signals": { "CURRENT_AMPL_U": [ { "name": "ML30", "help": "CN7.30. Factory default. Solder R29", "cost": 0 } ], "CURRENT_AMPL_V": [ { "name": "MR24", "help": "CN10.24. Factory default. Solder R42", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "MR18", "help": "CN10.18. Factory default. Solder R41.", "cost": 0 } ], "CURRENT_AMPL_W": [ { "name": "ML34", "help": "CN7.34. Factory default. Solder R36", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "MR15", "help": "CN10.15. Factory default. Solder R34", "cost": 0 } ] }, "shuntResistor": 0.33, "amplifyingNetworkImax": 3, "amplifyingNetworkVm": 3.3, "amplifyingNetworkPrating": 1.4, "offsetNetworkAttenuation": 0.764, "opAmpGain": 2, "polarizationOffset": 1.559 }, { "type": "SingleShunt_AmplifiedCurrents", "help": "Close JP4 and JP7, solder bridge at the bottom. Open J5 and J6", "signals": { "CURRENT_AMPL": [ { "name": "MR24", "help": "CN10.24. Factory default. Solder R42", "cost": 10 }, { "name": "MR18", "help": "CN10.18. Factory default. Solder R41.", "cost": 10 } ] }, "shuntResistor": 0.11, "amplifyingNetworkImax": 3, "amplifyingNetworkVm": 3.3, "amplifyingNetworkPrating": 1.4, "offsetNetworkAttenuation": 0.764, "opAmpGain": 2, "polarizationOffset": 1.559 } ] }, { "name": "STSPIN830Protection", "type": "DriverProtection", "hwVariants": [ { "type": "SingleErrorTrigger_FixedReference", "help": "How to enable this variant", "signals": { "DP_TRIGGER": [ { "name": "MR14", "help": "CN10.14. Factory default. Solder R35", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "MR16", "help": "CN10.16. Factory default. Solder R37", "cost": 0 } ] }, "DPTriggerFilterDuration": 0, "DPSignalPolarity": "Active low" } ] }, { "name": "PhaseVoltageGeneration", "type": "PhaseVoltageGeneration", "driverName": "Driver or IGBT or MOSFET name", "driverPN": "Driver or IGBT or MOSFET Part Number", "minDeadTime": 500, "maxSwitchingFreq": 100, "tNoise": 500, "hwVariants": [ { "type": "DrivingHighSidesAndThreeEnables", "help": "How to enable this variant", "signals": { "PWM_CHU_H": [ { "name": "MR23", "help": "CN10.23. Factory default", "cost": 0 } ], "PWM_CHV_H": [ { "name": "MR21", "help": "CN10.21. Factory default", "cost": 0 } ], "PWM_CHW_H": [ { "name": "MR33", "help": "CN10.33. Factory default", "cost": 0 } ], "PWM_CHU_EN": [ { "name": "MR30", "help": "CN10.30. Factory Default", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "MR15", "help": "CN10.15. Solder R74", "cost": 10 }, { "name": "MR11", "help": "CN10.11. Solder R79", "cost": 10 } ], "PWM_CHV_EN": [ { "name": "MR28", "help": "CN10.28. Factory default", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "MR15", "help": "CN10.13. Solder R78", "cost": 10 } ], "PWM_CHW_EN": [ { "name": "MR26", "help": "CN10.26. Factory default", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "MR15", "help": "CN10.15. Solder R69", "cost": 10 } ] }, "highSideSwitchesDrivingPolarity": "Active high", "enableDrivingPolarity": "Active high", "deadTime": 550 } ] }, { "name": "SpeedAndPositionSensing", "type": "SpeedAndPositionSensing", "hwVariants": [ { "type": "HallEffectSensor", "help": "How to enable this variant", "signals": { "HALLSENSOR_H1": [ { "name": "MR4", "help": "CN10.4. Factory default. Solder R81", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "ML17", "help": "CN7.17. Factory default. Solder R43", "cost": 10 } ], "HALLSENSOR_H2": [ { "name": "MR19", "help": "CN10.19. Factory default. Solder R85", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "MR31", "help": "CN10.31. Factory default. Solder R86", "cost": 10 } ], "HALLSENSOR_H3": [ { "name": "MR2", "help": "CN10.2. Factory default. Solder R87", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "MR25", "help": "CN10.25. Factory default. Solder R84", "cost": 10 } ] } }, { "type": "QuadratureEncoderRelative", "help": "How to enable this variant", "signals": { "QENC_A": [ { "name": "MR4", "help": "CN10.4. Factory default. Solder R81", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "ML17", "help": "CN7.17. Factory default. Solder R43", "cost": 10 } ], "QENC_B": [ { "name": "MR19", "help": "CN10.19. Factory default. Solder R85", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "MR31", "help": "CN10.31. Factory default. Solder R86", "cost": 10 } ] } }, { "type": "QuadratureEncoderAbsolute", "help": "How to enable this variant", "signals": { "QENC_A": [ { "name": "MR4", "help": "CN10.4. Factory default. Solder R81", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "ML17", "help": "CN7.17. Factory default. Solder R43", "cost": 10 } ], "QENC_B": [ { "name": "MR19", "help": "CN10.19. Factory default. Solder R85", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "MR31", "help": "CN10.31. Factory default. Solder R86", "cost": 10 } ], "QENC_Z": [ { "name": "MR2", "help": "CN10.2. Factory default. Solder R87", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "MR25", "help": "CN10.25. Factory default. Solder R84", "cost": 10 } ] } }, { "type": "BEMFSensingADC", "help": "How to enable this variant", "signals": { "BEMF_U": [ { "name": "ML38", "help": "CN7.38", "cost": 0 } ], "BEMF_V": [ { "name": "ML37", "help": "CN7.37", "cost": 0 } ], "BEMF_W": [ { "name": "ML36", "help": "CN7.36", "cost": 0 } ], "BEMF_DIVIDER": [ { "name": "MR1", "help": "CN10.1", "cost": 0 } ] }, "dividingNetworkR1": 10000, "dividingNetworkR2": 2200 } ] }, { "name": "VBusSensing", "type": "VBusSensing", "busVoltageDivider": 16, "hwVariants": [ { "type": "VBusSensing", "help": "How to enable this variant", "signals": { "VBUS": [ { "name": "ML28", "help": "CN7.28. Factory default. Solder R33", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "MR6", "help": "CN10.6. Factory default. Solder R31", "cost": 10 }, { "name": "MR28", "help": "CN10.28. Solder R88", "cost": 10 } ] }, "busVoltageDivider": 16, "busVoltageDividerR1": 180, "busVoltageDividerR2": 12 } ] }, { "name": "TemperatureSensing", "type": "TemperatureSensing", "hwVariants": [ { "type": "NTCThermistor", "help": "How to enable this variant", "signals": { "TEMPERATURE_NTC": [ { "name": "MR34", "help": "CN10.34. Factory default. Solder R82", "cost": 0 }, { "name": "MR18", "help": "CN10.18. Factory default. Solder R83", "cost": 10 } ] }, "v0": 579, "t0": 25, "gain": 27.4, "maxSensorTemperature": 110 } ] }, { "name": "Potentiometer", "type": "Potentiometer", "hwVariants": [ { "type": "Potentiometer", "help": "How to enable this variant", "signals": { "POTENTIOMETER_LEVEL": [ { "name": "ML35", "help": "CN7.35", "cost": 0 } ] }, "potVm": 3.3, "potRmax": 10000, "potLevelMin": 0 } ] } ], "compatibility": [ "FOC", "sixStep" ] } ], "connectorTypes": [ "morpho" ], "hardwareFamily": "POWER", "id": "X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1", "label": "X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1", "description": "Three-phase brushless DC motor driver expansion board based on STSPIN830 for STM32 Nucleo", "descVersion": 4, "contentVersion": "1.1", "compatibility": [ "FOC", "sixStep" ] } ], "motor": [ { "polePairs": 7, "nominalCurrent": 5, "nominalDCVoltage": 14.8, "rs": 5.29205846786499, "ls": 1.0584115516394377, "magneticStructure": { "type": "SM-PMSM" }, "BEmfConstant": 4.963876247406006, "inertia": 0.29145252256057574, "friction": 0.9371463534080249, "maxRatedSpeed": 1572, "motorProfiler": { "ctrl_board": "NUCLEO-F303RE", "pwr_board": "X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1", "operating_condition": { "cutoff_frequency": 6000, "pwm_frequency": 30000, "foc_rate": 1 }, "mechanical": { "acceleration": 500, "max_speed_startup": 582 } }, "hardwareFamily": "MOTOR", "id": "GBM2804H-100T", "label": "GimBal GBM2804H-100T", "description": "iPower GBM2804H-100T Brushless Gimbal Motor", "compatibility": [ "FOC", "sixStep" ] } ], "connections": [ { "motor": 0, "power": 0, "drive": 0, "ctrlConn": 0 } ], "constrains": { "connectAlgoVersion": 1, "MCUParamVersion": 1, "motors": [ { "motor": "M1", "features": [ { "name": "CurrentSensing", "type": "CurrentSensing", "hwVariants": [ { "name": "ThreeShunt_AmplifiedCurrents", "swVariants": [ { "name": "DualADCs", "solutions": [ { "ip": [ "ADC1", "ADC2" ], "sharedSignal": "CURRENT_AMPL_V", "signals": [ { "name": "CURRENT_AMPL_U", "pin": "PA1", "peripheral": "ADC1_IN2", "help": "" }, { "name": "CURRENT_AMPL_W", "pin": "PA7", "peripheral": "ADC2_IN4", "help": "" }, { "name": "CURRENT_AMPL_V", "pin": "PB11", "peripheral": "ADC2_IN14", "help": "" }, { "name": "CURRENT_AMPL_V", "pin": "PB11", "peripheral": "ADC1_IN14", "help": "" } ], "cost": 0 } ] }, { "name": "DualADCsNoSharedPhase", "solutions": [ { "ip": [ "ADC2", "ADC1" ], "signals": [ { "name": "CURRENT_AMPL_U", "pin": "PA1", "peripheral": "ADC1_IN2", "help": "" }, { "name": "CURRENT_AMPL_V", "pin": "PB1", "peripheral": "ADC1_IN12", "help": "" }, { "name": "CURRENT_AMPL_W", "pin": "PA7", "peripheral": "ADC2_IN4", "help": "" } ], "cost": 0 }, { "ip": [ "ADC2", "ADC1" ], "signals": [ { "name": "CURRENT_AMPL_U", "pin": "PA1", "peripheral": "ADC1_IN2", "help": "" }, { "name": "CURRENT_AMPL_V", "pin": "PB11", "peripheral": "ADC1_IN14", "help": "" }, { "name": "CURRENT_AMPL_W", "pin": "PA7", "peripheral": "ADC2_IN4", "help": "" } ], "cost": 0 }, { "ip": [ "ADC2", "ADC1" ], "signals": [ { "name": "CURRENT_AMPL_U", "pin": "PA1", 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