/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */ /** ****************************************************************************** * @file app_conf.h * @author MCD Application Team * @brief Application configuration file for STM32WPAN Middleware. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * Copyright (c) 2021 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file * in the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* USER CODE END Header */ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef APP_CONF_H #define APP_CONF_H #include "hw.h" #include "hw_conf.h" #include "hw_if.h" #include "ble_bufsize.h" /****************************************************************************** * Application Config ******************************************************************************/ /**< generic parameters ******************************************************/ /** * Define Tx Power */ #define CFG_TX_POWER (0x18) /* -0.15dBm */ /** * Define Advertising parameters */ #define CFG_ADV_BD_ADDRESS (0x7257acd87a6c) #define CFG_BLE_ADDRESS_TYPE PUBLIC_ADDR /**< Bluetooth address types defined in ble_legacy.h */ #define CFG_FAST_CONN_ADV_INTERVAL_MIN (0x80) /**< 80ms */ #define CFG_FAST_CONN_ADV_INTERVAL_MAX (0xA0) /**< 100ms */ #define CFG_LP_CONN_ADV_INTERVAL_MIN (0x640) /**< 1s */ #define CFG_LP_CONN_ADV_INTERVAL_MAX (0xFA0) /**< 2.5s */ /** * Define IO Authentication */ #define CFG_BONDING_MODE (1) #define CFG_FIXED_PIN (111111) #define CFG_USED_FIXED_PIN (0) #define CFG_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_MAX (16) #define CFG_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_MIN (8) /** * Define IO capabilities */ #define CFG_IO_CAPABILITY_DISPLAY_ONLY (0x00) #define CFG_IO_CAPABILITY_DISPLAY_YES_NO (0x01) #define CFG_IO_CAPABILITY_KEYBOARD_ONLY (0x02) #define CFG_IO_CAPABILITY_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT (0x03) #define CFG_IO_CAPABILITY_KEYBOARD_DISPLAY (0x04) #define CFG_IO_CAPABILITY CFG_IO_CAPABILITY_DISPLAY_YES_NO /** * Define MITM modes */ #define CFG_MITM_PROTECTION_NOT_REQUIRED (0x00) #define CFG_MITM_PROTECTION_REQUIRED (0x01) #define CFG_MITM_PROTECTION CFG_MITM_PROTECTION_REQUIRED /** * Define Secure Connections Support */ #define CFG_SECURE_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00) #define CFG_SECURE_OPTIONAL (0x01) #define CFG_SECURE_MANDATORY (0x02) #define CFG_SC_SUPPORT CFG_SECURE_OPTIONAL /** * Define Keypress Notification Support */ #define CFG_KEYPRESS_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00) #define CFG_KEYPRESS_SUPPORTED (0x01) #define CFG_KEYPRESS_NOTIFICATION_SUPPORT CFG_KEYPRESS_NOT_SUPPORTED /** * Numeric Comparison Answers */ #define YES (0x01) #define NO (0x00) /** * Device name configuration for Generic Access Service */ #define CFG_GAP_DEVICE_NAME "TEMPLATE" #define CFG_GAP_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH (8) /** * Define PHY */ #define ALL_PHYS_PREFERENCE 0x00 #define RX_2M_PREFERRED 0x02 #define TX_2M_PREFERRED 0x02 #define TX_1M 0x01 #define TX_2M 0x02 #define RX_1M 0x01 #define RX_2M 0x02 /** * Identity root key used to derive LTK and CSRK */ #define CFG_BLE_IRK {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x9A, 0xBC, 0xDE, 0xF0, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x9A, 0xBC, 0xDE, 0xF0} /** * Encryption root key used to derive LTK and CSRK */ #define CFG_BLE_ERK {0xFE, 0xDC, 0xBA, 0x09, 0x87, 0x65, 0x43, 0x21, 0xFE, 0xDC, 0xBA, 0x09, 0x87, 0x65, 0x43, 0x21} /** * SMPS supply * SMPS not used when Set to 0 * SMPS used when Set to 1 */ #define CFG_USE_SMPS 0 /* USER CODE BEGIN Generic_Parameters */ /* USER CODE END Generic_Parameters */ /**< specific parameters */ /*****************************************************/ #define P2P_SERVER1 1 /*1 = Device is Peripherique*/ #define P2P_SERVER2 0 #define P2P_SERVER3 0 #define P2P_SERVER4 0 #define P2P_SERVER5 0 #define P2P_SERVER6 0 #define CFG_DEV_ID_P2P_SERVER1 (0x83) #define CFG_DEV_ID_P2P_SERVER2 (0x84) #define CFG_DEV_ID_P2P_SERVER3 (0x87) #define CFG_DEV_ID_P2P_SERVER4 (0x88) #define CFG_DEV_ID_P2P_SERVER5 (0x89) #define CFG_DEV_ID_P2P_SERVER6 (0x8A) #define CFG_DEV_ID_P2P_ROUTER (0x85) #define RADIO_ACTIVITY_EVENT 0 /* 1 for OOB Demo */ /** * AD Element - Group B Feature */ /* LSB - First Byte */ #define CFG_FEATURE_THREAD_SWITCH (0x40) /* LSB - Second Byte */ #define CFG_FEATURE_OTA_REBOOT (0x20) #define CONN_L(x) ((int)((x)/0.625f)) #define CONN_P(x) ((int)((x)/1.25f)) /* L2CAP Connection Update request parameters used for test only with smart Phone */ #define L2CAP_REQUEST_NEW_CONN_PARAM 1 #define L2CAP_INTERVAL_MIN CONN_P(1000) /* 1s */ #define L2CAP_INTERVAL_MAX CONN_P(1000) /* 1s */ #define L2CAP_SLAVE_LATENCY 0x0000 #define L2CAP_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER 0x1F4 /* USER CODE BEGIN Specific_Parameters */ /* USER CODE END Specific_Parameters */ /****************************************************************************** * BLE Stack ******************************************************************************/ /** * Maximum number of simultaneous connections that the device will support. * Valid values are from 1 to 8 */ #define CFG_BLE_NUM_LINK 2 /** * Maximum number of Services that can be stored in the GATT database. * Note that the GAP and GATT services are automatically added so this parameter should be 2 plus the number of user services */ #define CFG_BLE_NUM_GATT_SERVICES 4 /** * Maximum number of Attributes * (i.e. the number of characteristic + the number of characteristic values + the number of descriptors, excluding the services) * that can be stored in the GATT database. * Note that certain characteristics and relative descriptors are added automatically during device initialization * so this parameters should be 9 plus the number of user Attributes */ #define CFG_BLE_NUM_GATT_ATTRIBUTES 30 /** * Maximum supported ATT_MTU size * This parameter is ignored by the CPU2 when CFG_BLE_OPTIONS is set to 1" */ #define CFG_BLE_MAX_ATT_MTU (156) /** * Size of the storage area for Attribute values * This value depends on the number of attributes used by application. In particular the sum of the following quantities (in octets) should be made for each attribute: * - attribute value length * - 5, if UUID is 16 bit; 19, if UUID is 128 bit * - 2, if server configuration descriptor is used * - 2*DTM_NUM_LINK, if client configuration descriptor is used * - 2, if extended properties is used * The total amount of memory needed is the sum of the above quantities for each attribute. * This parameter is ignored by the CPU2 when CFG_BLE_OPTIONS is set to 1" */ #define CFG_BLE_ATT_VALUE_ARRAY_SIZE (1290) /** * Prepare Write List size in terms of number of packet * This parameter is ignored by the CPU2 when CFG_BLE_OPTIONS is set to 1" */ #define CFG_BLE_PREPARE_WRITE_LIST_SIZE BLE_PREP_WRITE_X_ATT(CFG_BLE_MAX_ATT_MTU) /** * Number of allocated memory blocks * This parameter is overwritten by the CPU2 with an hardcoded optimal value when the parameter when CFG_BLE_OPTIONS is set to 1 */ #define CFG_BLE_MBLOCK_COUNT (BLE_MBLOCKS_CALC(CFG_BLE_PREPARE_WRITE_LIST_SIZE, CFG_BLE_MAX_ATT_MTU, CFG_BLE_NUM_LINK)) /** * Enable or disable the Extended Packet length feature. Valid values are 0 or 1. */ #define CFG_BLE_DATA_LENGTH_EXTENSION 1 /** * Sleep clock accuracy in Slave mode (ppm value) */ #define CFG_BLE_SLAVE_SCA 500 /** * Sleep clock accuracy in Master mode * 0 : 251 ppm to 500 ppm * 1 : 151 ppm to 250 ppm * 2 : 101 ppm to 150 ppm * 3 : 76 ppm to 100 ppm * 4 : 51 ppm to 75 ppm * 5 : 31 ppm to 50 ppm * 6 : 21 ppm to 30 ppm * 7 : 0 ppm to 20 ppm */ #define CFG_BLE_MASTER_SCA 0 /** * Source for the low speed clock for RF wake-up * 1 : external high speed crystal HSE/32/32 * 0 : external low speed crystal ( no calibration ) */ #define CFG_BLE_LSE_SOURCE 0 /** * Start up time of the high speed (16 or 32 MHz) crystal oscillator in units of 625/256 us (~2.44 us) */ #define CFG_BLE_HSE_STARTUP_TIME 0x148 /** * Maximum duration of the connection event when the device is in Slave mode in units of 625/256 us (~2.44 us) */ #define CFG_BLE_MAX_CONN_EVENT_LENGTH (0xFFFFFFFF) /** * Viterbi Mode * 1 : enabled * 0 : disabled */ #define CFG_BLE_VITERBI_MODE 1 /** * BLE stack Options flags to be configured with: * - SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_LL_ONLY * - SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_LL_HOST * - SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_NO_SVC_CHANGE_DESC * - SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_WITH_SVC_CHANGE_DESC * - SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_DEVICE_NAME_RO * - SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_DEVICE_NAME_RW * - SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_EXT_ADV * - SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_NO_EXT_ADV * - SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_CS_ALGO2 * - SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_NO_CS_ALGO2 * - SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_POWER_CLASS_1 * - SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_POWER_CLASS_2_3 * which are used to set following configuration bits: * (bit 0): 1: LL only * 0: LL + host * (bit 1): 1: no service change desc. * 0: with service change desc. * (bit 2): 1: device name Read-Only * 0: device name R/W * (bit 3): 1: extended advertizing supported [NOT SUPPORTED] * 0: extended advertizing not supported [NOT SUPPORTED] * (bit 4): 1: CS Algo #2 supported * 0: CS Algo #2 not supported * (bit 7): 1: LE Power Class 1 * 0: LE Power Class 2-3 * other bits: reserved (shall be set to 0) */ #define CFG_BLE_OPTIONS (SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_LL_HOST | SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_WITH_SVC_CHANGE_DESC | SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_DEVICE_NAME_RW | SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_NO_EXT_ADV | SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_NO_CS_ALGO2 | SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_OPTIONS_POWER_CLASS_2_3) #define CFG_BLE_MAX_COC_INITIATOR_NBR (32) #define CFG_BLE_MIN_TX_POWER (0) #define CFG_BLE_MAX_TX_POWER (0) /** * BLE Rx model configuration flags to be configured with: * - SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_RX_MODEL_AGC_RSSI_LEGACY * - SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_RX_MODEL_AGC_RSSI_BLOCKER * which are used to set following configuration bits: * (bit 0): 1: agc_rssi model improved vs RF blockers * 0: Legacy agc_rssi model * other bits: reserved (shall be set to 0) */ #define CFG_BLE_RX_MODEL_CONFIG SHCI_C2_BLE_INIT_RX_MODEL_AGC_RSSI_LEGACY /****************************************************************************** * Transport Layer ******************************************************************************/ /** * Queue length of BLE Event * This parameter defines the number of asynchronous events that can be stored in the HCI layer before * being reported to the application. When a command is sent to the BLE core coprocessor, the HCI layer * is waiting for the event with the Num_HCI_Command_Packets set to 1. The receive queue shall be large * enough to store all asynchronous events received in between. * When CFG_TLBLE_MOST_EVENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE is set to 27, this allow to store three 255 bytes long asynchronous events * between the HCI command and its event. * This parameter depends on the value given to CFG_TLBLE_MOST_EVENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE. When the queue size is to small, * the system may hang if the queue is full with asynchronous events and the HCI layer is still waiting * for a CC/CS event, In that case, the notification TL_BLE_HCI_ToNot() is called to indicate * to the application a HCI command did not receive its command event within 30s (Default HCI Timeout). */ #define CFG_TLBLE_EVT_QUEUE_LENGTH 5 /** * This parameter should be set to fit most events received by the HCI layer. It defines the buffer size of each element * allocated in the queue of received events and can be used to optimize the amount of RAM allocated by the Memory Manager. * It should not exceed 255 which is the maximum HCI packet payload size (a greater value is a lost of memory as it will * never be used) * It shall be at least 4 to receive the command status event in one frame. * The default value is set to 27 to allow receiving an event of MTU size in a single buffer. This value maybe reduced * further depending on the application. */ #define CFG_TLBLE_MOST_EVENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE 255 /**< Set to 255 with the memory manager and the mailbox */ #define TL_BLE_EVENT_FRAME_SIZE ( TL_EVT_HDR_SIZE + CFG_TLBLE_MOST_EVENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE ) /****************************************************************************** * UART interfaces ******************************************************************************/ /** * Select UART interfaces */ #define CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_UART 0 #define CFG_CONSOLE_MENU 0 /****************************************************************************** * USB interface ******************************************************************************/ /** * Enable/Disable USB interface */ #define CFG_USB_INTERFACE_ENABLE 0 /****************************************************************************** * IPCC interface ******************************************************************************/ /** * The IPCC is dedicated to the communication between the CPU2 and the CPU1 * and shall not be modified by the application * The two following definitions shall not be modified */ #define HAL_IPCC_TX_IRQHandler(...) HW_IPCC_Tx_Handler( ) #define HAL_IPCC_RX_IRQHandler(...) HW_IPCC_Rx_Handler( ) /****************************************************************************** * Low Power ******************************************************************************/ /** * When set to 1, the low power mode is enable * When set to 0, the device stays in RUN mode */ #define CFG_LPM_SUPPORTED 1 /** * This shall be set to 1 when standby is supported while the wireless stack on CPU2 is running * (i.e the CPU2 is allowed to enter standby between RF activity) * Otherwise, it should be set to 0 for marginal code and test execution saving * In this case the lowest power mode available will be Stop 1 * Note that keeping that setting to 1 when standby is not supported does not hurt */ #define CFG_LPM_STANDBY_SUPPORTED 0 /****************************************************************************** * RTC interface ******************************************************************************/ #define HAL_RTCEx_WakeUpTimerIRQHandler(...) HW_TS_RTC_Wakeup_Handler( ) /****************************************************************************** * Timer Server ******************************************************************************/ /** * CFG_RTC_WUCKSEL_DIVIDER: This sets the RTCCLK divider to the wakeup timer. * The lower is the value, the better is the power consumption and the accuracy of the timerserver * The higher is the value, the finest is the granularity * * CFG_RTC_ASYNCH_PRESCALER: This sets the asynchronous prescaler of the RTC. It should as high as possible ( to output * clock as low as possible) but the output clock should be equal or higher frequency compare to the clock feeding * the wakeup timer. A lower clock speed would impact the accuracy of the timer server. * * CFG_RTC_SYNCH_PRESCALER: This sets the synchronous prescaler of the RTC. * When the 1Hz calendar clock is required, it shall be sets according to other settings * When the 1Hz calendar clock is not needed, CFG_RTC_SYNCH_PRESCALER should be set to 0x7FFF (MAX VALUE) * * CFG_RTCCLK_DIVIDER_CONF: * Shall be set to either 0,2,4,8,16 * When set to either 2,4,8,16, the 1Hhz calendar is supported * When set to 0, the user sets its own configuration * * The following settings are computed with LSI as input to the RTC */ #define CFG_RTCCLK_DIVIDER_CONF 0 #if (CFG_RTCCLK_DIVIDER_CONF == 0) /** * Custom configuration * It does not support 1Hz calendar * It divides the RTC CLK by 16 */ #define CFG_RTCCLK_DIV (16) #define CFG_RTC_WUCKSEL_DIVIDER (0) #define CFG_RTC_ASYNCH_PRESCALER (0x0F) #define CFG_RTC_SYNCH_PRESCALER (0x7FFF) #else #if (CFG_RTCCLK_DIVIDER_CONF == 2) /** * It divides the RTC CLK by 2 */ #define CFG_RTC_WUCKSEL_DIVIDER (3) #endif #if (CFG_RTCCLK_DIVIDER_CONF == 4) /** * It divides the RTC CLK by 4 */ #define CFG_RTC_WUCKSEL_DIVIDER (2) #endif #if (CFG_RTCCLK_DIVIDER_CONF == 8) /** * It divides the RTC CLK by 8 */ #define CFG_RTC_WUCKSEL_DIVIDER (1) #endif #if (CFG_RTCCLK_DIVIDER_CONF == 16) /** * It divides the RTC CLK by 16 */ #define CFG_RTC_WUCKSEL_DIVIDER (0) #endif #define CFG_RTCCLK_DIV CFG_RTCCLK_DIVIDER_CONF #define CFG_RTC_ASYNCH_PRESCALER (CFG_RTCCLK_DIV - 1) #define CFG_RTC_SYNCH_PRESCALER (DIVR( LSE_VALUE, (CFG_RTC_ASYNCH_PRESCALER+1) ) - 1 ) #endif /** tick timer values */ #define CFG_TS_TICK_VAL DIVR( (CFG_RTCCLK_DIV * 1000000), LSE_VALUE ) #define CFG_TS_TICK_VAL_PS DIVR( ((uint64_t)CFG_RTCCLK_DIV * 1e12), (uint64_t)LSE_VALUE ) typedef enum { CFG_TIM_PROC_ID_ISR, /* USER CODE BEGIN CFG_TimProcID_t */ CFG_TIM_PROC_ID_MPU6050, CFG_TIM_PROC_ID_VL53L1X, CFG_TIM_PROC_ID_BUTTON, /* USER CODE END CFG_TimProcID_t */ } CFG_TimProcID_t; /****************************************************************************** * Debug ******************************************************************************/ /** * When set, this resets some hw resources to set the device in the same state than the power up * The FW resets only register that may prevent the FW to run properly * * This shall be set to 0 in a final product * */ #define CFG_HW_RESET_BY_FW 0 /** * keep debugger enabled while in any low power mode when set to 1 * should be set to 0 in production */ #define CFG_DEBUGGER_SUPPORTED 0 /** * When set to 1, the traces are enabled in the BLE services */ #define CFG_DEBUG_BLE_TRACE 0 /** * Enable or Disable traces in application */ #define CFG_DEBUG_APP_TRACE 0 #if (CFG_DEBUG_APP_TRACE != 0) #define APP_DBG_MSG PRINT_MESG_DBG #else #define APP_DBG_MSG PRINT_NO_MESG #endif #if ( (CFG_DEBUG_BLE_TRACE != 0) || (CFG_DEBUG_APP_TRACE != 0) ) #define CFG_DEBUG_TRACE 1 #endif #if (CFG_DEBUG_TRACE != 0) #undef CFG_LPM_SUPPORTED #undef CFG_DEBUGGER_SUPPORTED #define CFG_LPM_SUPPORTED 0 #define CFG_DEBUGGER_SUPPORTED 1 #endif /** * When CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_FULL is set to 1, the trace are output with the API name, the file name and the line number * When CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_LIGHT is set to 1, only the debug message is output * * When both are set to 0, no trace are output * When both are set to 1, CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_FULL is selected */ #define CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_LIGHT 0 #define CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_FULL 0 #if (( CFG_DEBUG_TRACE != 0 ) && ( CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_LIGHT == 0 ) && (CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_FULL == 0)) #undef CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_FULL #undef CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_LIGHT #define CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_FULL 0 #define CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_LIGHT 1 #endif #if ( CFG_DEBUG_TRACE == 0 ) #undef CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_FULL #undef CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_LIGHT #define CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_FULL 0 #define CFG_DEBUG_TRACE_LIGHT 0 #endif /** * When not set, the traces is looping on sending the trace over UART */ #define DBG_TRACE_USE_CIRCULAR_QUEUE 1 /** * max buffer Size to queue data traces and max data trace allowed. * Only Used if DBG_TRACE_USE_CIRCULAR_QUEUE is defined */ #define DBG_TRACE_MSG_QUEUE_SIZE 4096 #define MAX_DBG_TRACE_MSG_SIZE 1024 /* USER CODE BEGIN Defines */ #define CFG_LED_SUPPORTED 0 #define CFG_BUTTON_SUPPORTED 1 #define PUSH_BUTTON_SW1_EXTI_IRQHandler EXTI0_IRQHandler #define PUSH_BUTTON_SW2_EXTI_IRQHandler EXTI4_IRQHandler #define PUSH_BUTTON_SW3_EXTI_IRQHandler EXTI9_5_IRQHandler /* USER CODE END Defines */ /****************************************************************************** * Scheduler ******************************************************************************/ /** * These are the lists of task id registered to the scheduler * Each task id shall be in the range [0:31] * This mechanism allows to implement a generic code in the API TL_BLE_HCI_StatusNot() to comply with * the requirement that a HCI/ACI command shall never be sent if there is already one pending */ /**< Add in that list all tasks that may send a ACI/HCI command */ typedef enum { CFG_TASK_ADV_CANCEL_ID, #if (L2CAP_REQUEST_NEW_CONN_PARAM != 0 ) CFG_TASK_CONN_UPDATE_REG_ID, #endif CFG_TASK_HCI_ASYNCH_EVT_ID, /* USER CODE BEGIN CFG_Task_Id_With_HCI_Cmd_t */ CFG_TASK_RECEIVE_MPU6050_DATA_ID, CFG_TASK_RECEIVE_VL53L1X_DATA_ID, CFG_TASK_SW1_BUTTON_PUSHED_ID, CFG_TASK_SW2_BUTTON_PUSHED_ID, CFG_TASK_SW3_BUTTON_PUSHED_ID, /* USER CODE END CFG_Task_Id_With_HCI_Cmd_t */ CFG_LAST_TASK_ID_WITH_HCICMD, /**< Shall be LAST in the list */ } CFG_Task_Id_With_HCI_Cmd_t; /**< Add in that list all tasks that never send a ACI/HCI command */ typedef enum { CFG_FIRST_TASK_ID_WITH_NO_HCICMD = CFG_LAST_TASK_ID_WITH_HCICMD - 1, /**< Shall be FIRST in the list */ CFG_TASK_SYSTEM_HCI_ASYNCH_EVT_ID, /* USER CODE BEGIN CFG_Task_Id_With_NO_HCI_Cmd_t */ /* USER CODE END CFG_Task_Id_With_NO_HCI_Cmd_t */ CFG_LAST_TASK_ID_WITHO_NO_HCICMD /**< Shall be LAST in the list */ } CFG_Task_Id_With_NO_HCI_Cmd_t; #define CFG_TASK_NBR CFG_LAST_TASK_ID_WITHO_NO_HCICMD /** * This is the list of priority required by the application * Each Id shall be in the range 0..31 */ typedef enum { CFG_SCH_PRIO_0, CFG_PRIO_NBR, CFG_LASER_SENSOR_PRIO_2, CFG_IMU_SENSOR_PRIO_3 } CFG_SCH_Prio_Id_t; /** * This is a bit mapping over 32bits listing all events id supported in the application */ typedef enum { CFG_IDLEEVT_HCI_CMD_EVT_RSP_ID, CFG_IDLEEVT_SYSTEM_HCI_CMD_EVT_RSP_ID, } CFG_IdleEvt_Id_t; /****************************************************************************** * LOW POWER ******************************************************************************/ /** * Supported requester to the MCU Low Power Manager - can be increased up to 32 * It list a bit mapping of all user of the Low Power Manager */ typedef enum { CFG_LPM_APP, CFG_LPM_APP_BLE, /* USER CODE BEGIN CFG_LPM_Id_t */ /* USER CODE END CFG_LPM_Id_t */ } CFG_LPM_Id_t; /****************************************************************************** * OTP manager ******************************************************************************/ #define CFG_OTP_BASE_ADDRESS OTP_AREA_BASE #define CFG_OTP_END_ADRESS OTP_AREA_END_ADDR #endif /*APP_CONF_H */