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Hi,i am trying to develop a device which sends out bthome advertisements via ble (some sensor data).So far so good, this part is working, but now i would also like to use bthome encryption. following this guide, i would...
Hi there,if i try to set my stm32wb55cg into standby, it seems to only work if the RFWakeupCLK is HSE-DIV1024void PeriphCommonClock_Config(void) { RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInitStruct = {0}; PeriphClkInitStruct.PeriphClockSelection = RCC_...
Hi there,i am currently working on a BLE Customboard using a STM32WB55.The current setup allows for a 1 second long BLE Advertising, to transmit sensor data.After this second the device is going into STANDBY MODE using the tiny_lpm class: // from app...
Hi,i am currently trying to read out VBAT of a STM32WB55CGU6 Board (Custom).VBAT is connected to a 3V Battery, and all other VDD pins are connected to the same battery since the board is only powered by this battery.I have setup ADC1 and enabled the ...
Hi there I am quite new to the topic of developing BLE hardware.My goal of the current project is quite simple:I have a custom board featuring stm32wb55ceu6 and a ambient temperature/humidity sensor.All hooked up including the RF part with an impedan...