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Hi. i have two STM32F207 with X-NUCLEO-S2868A1.I make working each other with PSP_Demo project. I'd like to check for long distance but i cannot make work.i'm new about sug-ghz, antennas and others.i made it work for about 500 meter in open space wit...
Hi all.i have problem using float and double in mytest application.I hjave an aplication generated using stm32cubeide Version: 1.0.2Build: 3566_20190716-0927 (UTC), CUBEMX ver 4.21.0.Application use FreeRTOS Kernel V10.0.1 and a task i read t...
Hello.I have a nucleo powered with external 5V. I use to log info using usb.Eache time i need to talke a log to the log, i cannoct my laptop and MCU reset.Anyone know if i can hovoid this? Remove SB12 could help Me? any other hint?Regards,Carmelo
Posted on May 28, 2018 at 17:21Hello ST All.I have a NUCLEOL476RG and i have some troubles trying to read a battery level using ADC.I made a voltage divider partitor to get 3.3V starting from 14.1V.1)  using 162K resistor + 50K resistor the adc read...
Posted on January 01, 2015 at 09:39Hello, hapy 2015 to all. I try to use an external LSE for RTC a STM32F4DISCOVERY . I follow indication of clive1 on this post: