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Sorry for asking an obvious question...LWIP documentation describes a udp_pcb as "Creates a new UDP pcb which can be used for UDP communication." connecting to multiple devices with an IP address each using UDP...
Hello,Using HAL_UART_Receive_DMA() function and expecting an N length message, so have set the buffer length and transfer size to N.The communicating equipment sometimes adds an extra character / or drops a character which is taking my DMA out of syn...
Hello,Are there any resources similar to AN3364, that describe the migration directly from F4 to F0?Thanks.
Hello,Has anyone seen ADC noise generated by the 50 MHz RMII clock (PA1) affecting the measurement on ADC1_IN0 (PA0)? (approximately 100 codes in 4096).If so does anyone had a fix to suppress it?All other ADC channels used do not have the same level ...
Hello,I've been trying to write my own HAL to replace the STM32 HAL and recently I have been trying to write an LwIP interface, with guidance from this forum and the examples provided by ST and other users.My Individual files compile fine, including ...