I want to implement communications between two MCUs over USB.I have a Freertos application running on a Nucleog474RE board to which I've added the USB CDC device.I'm using CubeMX 6.11 and CubeIDE 1.15.0.I have attached a USB cable to PA12 & PA11 and...
I am currently using a nucleo g474re board to acquire 10,000 samples from an ADC using a timer and DMA.The timer allows me to use any data rate and the DMA puts the samples into memory without CPU intervention.The process is currently initiated by st...
I'm using a Nucleo-g474REI want to use a timer / DMA to trigger a SPI Rx only transfer to memory.I need to transfer two 9 bit words every trigger, 1 uSecs, and 4096 two word transfersCan anyone point me to an MX cube example?
I am using the stm32f411 with clocks set to run at 64MHz. I am trying to read two adc channels triggered by timer 3 cc1 also using DMA2 stream 0 for data transfer.Tim3 CC1 is set for toggle on match. The adc is set for external rising edge.I want to ...
I am trying to read from an external SPI ADC at a 1MHz rate using a timer and 4 dma channels.I setup TIM 3 to run at 16 MHz and rollover at a count of 24.CC1 pulse is 1, cc2 pulse is 2 cc3 pulse is 22. CC1 drives DMA1 stream4 which is setup to trans...
I tried the bootloader DFU this morning and I see the same symptoms.I changes the swBoot option byte, installed JP7 and jumpered PB8 to 3.3v.I verified my app was not being started also. So it appears I have a hardware problem.Do I need a 1.5K pullup...
Yes I want to start an acquisition (multiple ADC readings ) when then put signal goes above the a certain level, provided by the DAC. I am going to try to use the timer (which drives the ADC sample rate) in slave mode with and trigger source corresp...