As stated in the documentation (now online)
his helper function aggregates the call of the create and init functions (see code in the generated 'network.c' file). It allo...
We support ST Boards that has an embedded stlink with virtual com port support connected to a USART on the target
You can find ST boards on the STM32H7 here:
You can always for...
The inference implementation on the target is pure software and doesn't use any interrupt.
On this version, it is required to activate the CRC. That's the only adherence with the hardware that we have.
FYI we are currently at version 9.1 so you may w...
There are some glitches when using STM32CubeMX integrated in STM32CubeIDE when generating again the code. And with CubeMX integrated in CubeIDE the first thing CubeIDE triggers is a new generation of code. So you are always in project update mode and...