Hi. I am trying to read 4 ADC Channels sequentially in interrupt mode: ADC2_IN7, ADC2_IN14, ADC2_IN15 and ADC2_IN8. However it only reads the last rank channel every time. Please help me understand what I'm doing wrong.Compiler: IAR Workbenc...
Using the X-CUBE-BLE1 expansion software package for STM32Cube or other examples, is it possible to scan and create a list of all of the Bluetooth MAC addresses within range? Are there any examples of this that someone could point me too? I am using...
SEGGER who provides the emWin graphics stack is developing a new GUI Builder call ‘AppWizard’. SEGGER have released preliminary previews of this new software tool on their blog here and here.
Hi.I am using the STM32746G Discovery Board and running the STemWin which uses the external SDRAM [Part No.: MT48LC4M32B2B5-6A, Manufacturer: MICRON] to buffer the LCD rendering. Is it possible to use this external SDRAM to store program variables in...
Hi.Thank you for your time. I found that I forgot to enable the LSE with the HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&RCC_OscInitStruct) function. The code should have been as per the below:/* Enable HSE Oscillator and activate PLL with HSE as source */
This was a stumbling block for myself as I found myself in the same situation as I have designed a custom PCB and am using CAN2 as well. The I spent 1.5 days one this before I realised that i have to include __HAL_RCC_CAN1_CLK_ENABLE(); to get CAN2 t...
Oh wait I see.... RM0385 Rev 8, Figure 449, page 1307. You have to move the EXID 3 places bitwise to the left (<<3) as the [2:0] bits of EXID are for IDE, RTR & 0. It all makes sense now.
Hi Vinicius.Thanks for that this helped me get this working. For the below, what is the purpose of the "<<3" bitwise move? I cannot see the need for this in the reference manual. Nevertheless is works on my MCU. CAN_FilterInitStructure.CAN_FilterId...