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Using STM32CubeMX Version 6.11.1 for code generation of STM32U545RETxQ LQFP64.When pressing "Generate Code" there is a message recommending SMPS setting from the PWR menu.However, no SMPS there and not anywhere in the configuration menu. (Attached)An...
Hello there,I’m trying to squeeze functionality into an STM32U5 MCU via the STM32CubeMX tool.After setting the pins, the clock configuration fails to find a solution.The requirements for the clock are to run from an internal source, as the design is ...
Using STM32L452CC and STM32CubeProgrammer API v2.12.0 Windows 64-bits.Firstly, I'm setting the readout protection to its middle level (RDP = BB in the programmer) and then program the chip successfully. Then, letting the chip power cycle. Now reading...
Using the IWDG within STM32L452 in its window mode.At some point the application needs to freeze the IWDG module functionality, or as a minimum make it work as in non-window mode.Is this possible? If yes, using which function?Note the I couldn't loca...