2024-04-26 02:34 AM
I'm trying to open the example project "GPIO_InfiniteLedToggling". Apparently I did tis nce because I can't choose the project since "folder is already imported as project". If I choose (what I assume to be the created project) "GPIO_InfiniteLedToggling/STM32CubeIDE" and click on "finish", I exit to an empty workspace.
I would try deleting the project and recreating it from the folder, but I cannot fogure out a way to delete a project, and don't know where and under which file name it was created.
Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it? Or has a comprehensive manual for the program? The tutuorials I found under https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/STM32StepByStep:Step1_Tools_installation are very badly formatted and seem incomplete, and include no troubleshooting instructions.
2024-04-26 02:55 AM
>I would try deleting the project
Right mouse click on project ...delete.
Then new-> stm32 project...
2024-04-26 03:32 AM
How do I delete the project? I am unable to do it in the "file -> Import Projects from File System" menu (right clicking doesn't give me any options), and don't know how to access the project.
2024-04-26 03:33 AM
It sounds like your Workspace folder is messed up.
Try a new Workspace folder...
2024-04-26 03:34 AM
just here:
But then its away.... :)
2024-04-26 03:47 AM
I have done that and was able to choose the file this time! The project still didn't open though. I feel like i might be missing some steps? This is my first time working with STM, I am just following the tutuorial step-by-step since that's the only instructions I was able to find.
All I'm doing is picking the file/project and click on finish, should I be doing something else? Do I need to have the other STM programs open in the background?