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STM32G4 CAN TX buffer

Associate III


I'am currently programming on a STM32G473. I'am sending CAN Message via the FDCAN peripheral.
In generally everything works, all my messages I put into the Tx Buffer are sent.

But in one little detail I'am confused:

In Figure 669 its described, that the TX buffer consists of 3 elements.

But if I want to find out in which index I have to put the next message by reading the TXFQS_TFQPI field, I'am confused why the reference manual describes a range of 0-3 for this field. So it seems that there are 4 messages? But in the Add-Request Register (TXBAR_AR) there are only 3 Bits for adding transmission requests (and the RAM buffer has only space for 3 Messages).

  • If the put index is 0 --> I set the Bit 0 in TXBAR_AR
  • If the put index is 1 --> I set the Bit 1 in TXBAR_AR
  • If the put index is 2 --> I set the Bit 2 in TXBAR_AR
  • If the put index is 3 --> What should I do? There is no bit for a fourth request (and also no space in Buffer for a fourth message)

So is it maybe an error in the reference manual and the range of TXFQS_TFQPI is only 0-2 and in reality the peripheral will never give me a 3 in this field?

Or, if the range 0-3 is correct: What should I do if I get a put-Index of 3?


[Ref: RM0440, Rev. 8]

Senior II

Good catch!

I think You are right this is a error in the Reference manual.

At least the HAL driver uses the TFQPI field with out any check for values > 2 (this would write the Message outside of the Message RAM!).

Let's see if some one from ST has some insight.


Associate III

Perhaps 3 means the buffer is full.
And there is nowhere else to write))

If this were the case then the HAL driver would lose TX messages (writing outside the Buffer memory and enabling a not present TXBAR AR Bit!)

@Oleksii: I dont think so. There is a dedicated Bit TXFQS_TFQF which is the "Tx FIFO/Queue full" indication.

Have you ever thought about the fact that 3 (0b11),
is a trigger for the bit TXFQS_TFQF = 1))

HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FDCAN_AddMessageToTxFifoQ(FDCAN_HandleTypeDef *hfdcan, const FDCAN_TxHeaderTypeDef *pTxHeader, const uint8_t *pTxData) { uint32_t PutIndex; /* Check function parameters */ assert_param(IS_FDCAN_ID_TYPE(pTxHeader->IdType)); if (pTxHeader->IdType == FDCAN_STANDARD_ID) { assert_param(IS_FDCAN_MAX_VALUE(pTxHeader->Identifier, 0x7FFU)); } else /* pTxHeader->IdType == FDCAN_EXTENDED_ID */ { assert_param(IS_FDCAN_MAX_VALUE(pTxHeader->Identifier, 0x1FFFFFFFU)); } assert_param(IS_FDCAN_FRAME_TYPE(pTxHeader->TxFrameType)); assert_param(IS_FDCAN_DLC(pTxHeader->DataLength)); assert_param(IS_FDCAN_ESI(pTxHeader->ErrorStateIndicator)); assert_param(IS_FDCAN_BRS(pTxHeader->BitRateSwitch)); assert_param(IS_FDCAN_FDF(pTxHeader->FDFormat)); assert_param(IS_FDCAN_EFC(pTxHeader->TxEventFifoControl)); assert_param(IS_FDCAN_MAX_VALUE(pTxHeader->MessageMarker, 0xFFU)); if (hfdcan->State == HAL_FDCAN_STATE_BUSY) { /* Check that the Tx FIFO/Queue is not full */ if ((hfdcan->Instance->TXFQS & FDCAN_TXFQS_TFQF) != 0U) { /* Update error code */ hfdcan->ErrorCode |= HAL_FDCAN_ERROR_FIFO_FULL; return HAL_ERROR; } else { /* Retrieve the Tx FIFO PutIndex */ PutIndex = ((hfdcan->Instance->TXFQS & FDCAN_TXFQS_TFQPI) >> FDCAN_TXFQS_TFQPI_Pos); /* Add the message to the Tx FIFO/Queue */ FDCAN_CopyMessageToRAM(hfdcan, pTxHeader, pTxData, PutIndex); /* Activate the corresponding transmission request */ hfdcan->Instance->TXBAR = ((uint32_t)1 << PutIndex); /* Store the Latest Tx FIFO/Queue Request Buffer Index */ hfdcan->LatestTxFifoQRequest = ((uint32_t)1 << PutIndex); } /* Return function status */ return HAL_OK; } else { /* Update error code */ hfdcan->ErrorCode |= HAL_FDCAN_ERROR_NOT_STARTED; return HAL_ERROR; } }
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Automatic platoon TXFQS_TFQF = 1,
Does not lead to message loss.