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Encountering an error while doing DA


Hi, I have accidentally set the option byte PRODUCT_STATE=0x17 and the device is locked and shows the following when I do DA discover.

This is the log related to the error message.

12:09:28 : Start Debug Authentication Sequence
12:09:28 : SDMOpen                       :   609 : open       : SDM API v1.0
12:09:28 : SDMOpen                       :   610 : open       : SDM Library version v1.1.0
12:09:28 : open_comms                    :   501 : open       : Asserting target reset
12:09:28 : open_comms                    :   505 : open       : Writing magic number
12:09:28 : open_comms                    :   515 : open       : De-asserting target reset
12:09:28 : open_comms                    :   567 : open       : Communication with the target established successfully
12:09:28 : discovery: target ID.......................:0x484
12:09:28 : discovery: SoC ID..........................:0x00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000
12:09:28 : discovery: SDA version.....................:2.4.0
12:09:28 : discovery: Vendor ID.......................:STMicroelectronics
12:09:28 : discovery: PSA lifecycle...................:ST_LIFECYCLE_CLOSED
12:09:28 : discovery: PSA auth version................:1.0
12:09:28 : discovery: ST HDPL1 status.................:0xffffffff
12:09:28 : discovery: ST HDPL2 status.................:0xffffffff
12:09:28 : discovery: ST HDPL3 status.................:0xffffffff
12:09:28 : discovery: Token Formats...................:0x200
12:09:28 : discovery: Certificate Formats.............:0x201
12:09:28 : discovery: cryptosystems...................:ST Password
12:09:28 : discovery: ST provisioning integrity status:0xeaeaeaea
12:09:28 : discovery: permission if authorized...........:Full Regression
12:09:35 : UR connection mode is defined with the HWrst reset mode
12:09:35 : Start Debug Authentication Sequence
12:09:35 : SDMOpen                       :   609 : open       : SDM API v1.0
12:09:35 : SDMOpen                       :   610 : open       : SDM Library version v1.1.0
12:09:35 : open_comms                    :   501 : open       : Asserting target reset
12:09:35 : open_comms                    :   505 : open       : Writing magic number
12:09:35 : open_comms                    :   515 : open       : De-asserting target reset
12:09:35 : open_comms                    :   567 : open       : Communication with the target established successfully
12:09:35 : [00%]  discovery command
12:09:35 : [10%]  sending discovery command
12:09:35 : [20%]  receiving discovery
12:09:35 : [40%]  loading credentials
12:09:35 : [50%]  sending challenge request
12:09:35 : [60%]  receiving challenge
12:09:35 : SDMAuthenticate               :  1298 : client     : Found 1 certificates
12:09:35 : [80%]  sending ST password
12:09:35 : [90%]  receiving response
12:09:35 : Error: Debug Authentication Failed
12:09:35 : Disconnected from device.
12:09:35 : ST-LINK SN  : 0052003E3232510239353236
12:09:35 : ST-LINK FW  : V3J15M6
12:09:35 : Board       : NUCLEO-H563ZI
12:09:35 : Voltage     : 3.30V
12:09:35 : Error: Cannot connect to access port 1!  If you are trying to connect to a device with TrustZone enabled please try to connect with HotPlug mode.  If you are trying to connect to a device which supports Debug Authentication with certificate or password, please open your device using it.