2025-02-27 3:35 AM
hello st community!
I installed today
STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.17.0 Build: 23558_20241125_2245 (UTC). I want develop the firmware for a motor controller with the stspin32g4 mcu. i cant select this mcu in the target selector for the new project.
why did the people at st.com not have this mcu in the target selector?
what is a work around? i already run a serach for updates but it came back with no new updates.
should I select a G431 mcu? but I think the pin config will be different then. i have 5 mcu stspin32g4 here.
and the datasheet look like they are perfect for a small esc because the stspin32g4 with 170MHz has enough power to run FOC. and the BOM and pcb is small.
thank you if you can help me
2025-02-27 3:43 AM
See the 'Tools & Software' tab on the Product Page:
It recommends X-CUBE-MCSDK - the STM32 Motor Control Software Development Kit (MCSDK:(