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STM32H5: Embedded software solutions - ST, 3rd parties, and Open source



I am planning to use STM32H5 series uController in one of our test card application, as part of it i am exploring different software offerings avaialble for that series.

In doc, Embedded software solutions ST, 3rd parties and Open source (stm32-stm8_software_development_tools.pdf) page no8, has list of software solutions and list of MCU families where support is available.

There is no H5 listed here.

How i know Standard Peripheral libray, HAL, LL support for STM32H5 family?


welcome to the forum.

You mean this: ?

Always best to give a link, so we know exactly what you're talking about!


That's clearly just the slides from some marketing presentation - not a maintained document.

The website link would give you updated information:



See also the 'Tools & Software' tab on the STM32H5 family page:


There will also be a 'Tools & Software' tab on the Product Page for each specific STM32H5 chip - that would be your starting point for all documentation & resources.


@mallik wrote:

How i know Standard Peripheral libray, HAL, LL support for STM32H5 family

That would be shown on the 'Tools & Software' tab - the STM32CubeH5 package contains the HAL & LL support for STM32H5 family: 


The Standard Peripheral Library (SPL) was discontinued long before the H5 family appeared.

@Andrew Neil wrote:

That's clearly just the slides from some marketing presentation - not a maintained document.

@STTwo-32 it would be useful if these documents were, at least, dated.