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I'm using S2-LP with Bluenrg2 and when I send out a message, it only sends one frame whereas it is supposed to send 3 frames of the same message and sequence number.

Associate II

I'm using

SIGFOX_API_send_frame((uint8_t *)(&Data_Pkg),12,customer_resp,0,0);

to send the message.

According to Sigfox, Each Sigfox message will always be sent in 3 repetition (each repetition is considered a frame) with the same message content on different frequency channel, this is a standard across all Sigfox devices in order to ensure message receive success rate.

Is this a library issue ?

I'm using sfx_library_M0p_V2.2.2_FDL.a , addon_verified_M0p_V010.a

Please help.

Thank you

Best regards,


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