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Hi, To launch the SPC5 Motor Control Tool Kit it is required to "Get Motor Control SW Package" through ST Regional Office. Who/Where is the ST regional office for the SPC5 MCTK or where I can download the SW package? Thanks in advance Cheers, C.

Associate II
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Associate II

Hi Christophe, thank you to be interested in SPC5 Motor Control ToolKit. Actually teh presentation you mention is related to an event held some time ago. Please refer to the specific SPC5 Motor Control Toolkit web page ( to get the most updated information. Following the library link below the page (SPC5-MCTK-LIB) you will get the "getting started video" with useful info about the kit and the software library.

BTW, coming to your original question, the kit is provided with a binary software image so you can turn on the board, see the motor running and control it through the live monitor.

If you are planning to change configuration or the motor, you can download the configurable library SPC5-MCTK-LIB that can be installed into SPC5Studio environment.

If you are happy with our product, and the FOC library is what you are looking for, you can ask for the c source code. Where are you located?

Associate II

I followed the instructions in the video. It is told to get/install the JtagUsbDriver? Where is the weblink of this driver?