2018-12-03 1:34 AM
We are using Nordic52 as a host controller. Hardware connected as shown below.
Configuration as listed below:
RES_CONF (1Ah): 0x00
CTRL_REG1 (10h) : 0x02
CTRL_REG2 (11h): 0x10
As we observed that after read PRESS_OUT_XL (28h) register sensor drown higher current for 400ms just after 200 ms of read request.
Is there anything left in configuration? One-Shot mode used to get pressure sensor reading.
Please find the attached image for power consumption measurement.
If we reconfigure the sensor with same parameter than it will take normal current as expected some time. Did not get any clue to resolve this issue?
2018-12-04 9:46 PM
Implement workaround to fix this issue but need to test in multiple hardware.
Note: Three registers were reed to got pressure sensor reading but to fix this issue we read more four resister after thus three.
Register address from where we start to read is PRESS_OUT_XL (28h) after this as per listed below
Not existed (2Dh)
Not existed (2Eh)
If we read five register starting from 28h than pressure sensor get higher current but it will become normal if we read seven register even last two register not existed in datasheet.
Don't know what happen when we read more resister?