2018-01-05 1:41 AM
Hi Guys,
i'm confused about the Safety Manual from the SPC57 µC.
In section 3.2.4 Dual core lockstep mode stands, that i have to check MC_ME_CS[S_CORE1] and MC_ME_CS[S_CORE2]. I don't know what is meant by S_CORE2.
Best regards
2018-01-08 2:33 AM
Hello David ,
Could you confirm your RM Used ?
i do not find the chapter relative to
Best regards
2018-01-08 6:10 AM
It's the Safety Manual From this Controller:
2018-01-08 7:02 AM
Hello David ,
Yes , S_CORE2 is not relevant.
SPC570S microcontroller should have a main core and checker core
(cf below)
For my point of view , we should have
Before starting safety-relevant operations, the application software checks that lockstep mode is enabled (in the Mode Entry Module (MC_ME)) and configure the FCCU to react to lockstep disablement (MC_ME_CS[S_CORE1] = 1 (checker) and MC_ME_CS[S_CORE0] = 1 (master)).[end]
Anyway , i am checking with experts.
Best Regards