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URGENT! How to I change the roi (fov) to 15 deg. or 4x4 array on the VL53L1X Tof Sensor on Raspberry Pi 3B?


Everywhere I look, the VL53L1X Tof Sensor says that it has a standard fov of 27 degrees (or 16x16) and can be reduced to 15 degrees (or 4x4 SPAD array). But how do I do this on the Raspberry Pi (in python)? In your VL53L1X_register_map.h there is a function called:

#define VL53L1_ROI_CONFIG__MODE_ROI_XY_SIZE                                              0x013F
  type:     uint8_t \n
  default:  0x00 \n
  info: \n
    - msb =  7
    - lsb =  0
    - i2c_size =  1
  groups: \n
    ['nvm_copy_data', 'roi_config']
  fields: \n
    - [7:0] = mode_roi_xy_size

How do I use this or another function to make my ROI 15 degrees (4x4 SPAD) instead of 27 on the Raspberry Pi like your documentation says it can? Or do I have to hook it up to some software and do it in there to change it?

ST Employee

Quickly download the UltraLitte driver from - STSW-IMG009.

The code in here is very simple. You can use that as an example.

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