GNSS positioning

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Getting Time Based On The Place I Live

Hi everyone,I have designed a module with STA 8089GA which works properly. It gives me the exact position and fixes in less that a minute. I wanted to read time with this module. When I tried "PSTMGETRTCTIME" and "PSTMRTCTIME", it gives me time based...

Resolved! Issues on Setting Parameter

Hi, I have tons of question about the command $PSTMSETPAR and some related command:​First of all, I would like to change the NMEA Baudrate to 38400, as the software manual said, I should transfer​"$PSTMSETPAR,1102,0x8""$PSTMSAVEPAR"​and NMEA gives me...

PTsen by Associate III
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No GNSS message after cold start

Hi, after playing it for a while, I am able to communicate with the X-NULCEO-GNSS1A1 via USARTBut the altitude and longitude are not correct, it is not changing. Not knowing what to do, I decided to perform a cold start by sending the command "$PSTMC...

PTsen by Associate III
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Resolved! Can't communicate properly with X-NUCLEO-GNSS1A1

Hi, as the title said, I am having the hard time communicating with X-NUCLEO-GNSS1A1The GNSS module is communicate via USART (can't communicate via I2C, but this is the other problem)the code is written as follow:void usart_setup(void) { // so...

PTsen by Associate III
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Wake-Up Status of Teseo-LIV3F

Hi guys, i'm working with the GNSS expansion board X-NUCLEO-GNSS1A1, plugged to STM32F411RE Nucleo board. I looked inside the X-Cube GNSS1 expansion software package, which provides also some ready-to-be-built examples. I've chosen the simpler one, "...

How do i interpret 2D / 3D Acc. in Teseo-Suite Pro?

I have the Teseo-Liv3f eval kit and it finds 9 sats and i have 3D fix.  The lat/long/alt values are very stable but i cannot find any description of 2D and 3D Acc.  It seems the accuracy should be very "good" so what is the unit of these large number...

TLubk by Associate II
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