Hello, we wanted to run some timing tests with USB on the NUCLEO-H7S3L8 together with the SVW (Serial Wire Viewer). CPUCLK is set to 600 MHz from the CDC_Standalone example, Trace and Debug is enab...
...o ST-Link. The same is true for successful burning, and there is no change in the board. There is no problem with the procedure. The serial port does not have any output. Translated using Google T...
Hello, I am facing reset problem when I am waking up from Sleep mode. I am using WWDG in Software mode. APB1 Frequency as 40MHz. COnfiguration of WWDG: hwwdg.Instance = WWDG; hwwdg.Init.Prescal...
Hello, Can I output an adjustable voltage ranging from -10V to 10V using the h753zi development board? I found something like a "PWM to 0-5V/10V DAC Module." Would I need to use su...
Completed the STM CAN 2 Node tutorial and created the set up successfully. Have Spark Max and NEO motors in robot with RoboRio . However would like to do a breadboard set up less another Rio ( expens...
Silly question but eyesight gets worse with age. How do I attach the LiPo battery?
I do see the polarity but I just can't discern whether I shall slide the contact in from the side, or press down ...
Hello, The documentation and flyers of the STLINK-V3MODS specify that the product includes an USB to UART bridge. My custom board with the V3MODS works for JTAG/SWD, I2C and Virtual UART. Ho...
Hello, I look for information, what is the best layout for the SMPS, which is included in the STM32H745. One of my problems is, for a proper design, you must consider to have small loops in ...
Hello everyone I would like to ask about a warning on my STM32 hardware. I'm using an STM32F405 board that I designed myself. I use NUCLEOf334 as the debugger (ST_LINK). I make sure that I have remov...