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CubeIDE 1.6: internal managed builder erratic when no C files changed and parallel build (bug report)

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

When building a managed project and parallel build is enabled, and stop on 1st error is unchecked, and changes are not in C files (in .h files or in link script) : build hangs for ~20 seconds at 13%. Then it often indicates successful completion without rebuilding C files affected by change in .h files (failure to detect dependencies) or does not re-link after change in link script.

To work around, I have to clean and do full rebuild in such situations.

How I reproduce it:

* Take a non-trivial, big enough project. Something with LwIP or RTOS and dozen of HAL files.

* Enable parallel build, no stop on 1st error, use internal builder.

* Do a clean build (should succeed)

* Then (A) make change in link script (for example change base address in flash) and build normally.

(B) make change in some .h file (LwIP or RTOS config or stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h). Build normally

Cube IDE 1.6 on Windows 10, upgraded from 1.5.1

MCU project target : STM32H753

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

Internal builder usage is not STM32CubeIDE default.