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Help regarding Getting Started with STM8L MCU's

Utkarash Patil
Associate III

Hello All,

We are designing a battery operated device for that we have selected STM8L051F3 MCU,

For development we have ordered NUCLEO-8L152R8 board, and after wards we will port the same code for STM8L051F3 MCU. (Please help if any Better suggestions)

With respect to the selected development Kit and MCU we have downloaded the following tools

  1. STM8CubeMX
  2. ST Visual Develop
  3. ST Visual Programmer.

I am somewhat familiar to STM32 tools (viz Atollic, STM32CubeMX), However i am new to STM8L development.

Tough tools for the STM8L look similar i just would request you to please help we with any study or user guides if available for STM8L development, so that it helps me in my development.

I also tried to search on ST Micro's website for the study material but i wasn't able to find the right content to start off with so I request you to plaese help me with the same.

Also in the mean time i am checking the contents on the help section of STM8CubeMX and ST Visual Develop and have downloaded en.stsw_stm8016 library.

Please help me with right guides at the earliest to start my development.

Looking forward for your positive response

Thanks and regards



THanks, buddy!

I am having the same issue, was here to post about.

Philipp Krause
Senior II

Some basic tutorials for getting started with the NUCLEO-8L152R8 board:

Set up a timer to blink a LED at at 1 Hz:

Serial I/O:


These all use FOSS tools (not the ST Visual stuff).