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Hi, I'm trying to read CAN bus messages via stm32f4 but unable to receive any data.

Associate II

The CAN bus transmit some raw data at 500Kbits/sec and is transferred via transciever to pins PB8(Rx) and PB9(Tx).

I tried to configure the followed values from the cubeMx platform (since my CLK on APB1 is 42MHz): prescalar=6, TimeSeg1 = CAN_BS1_11TQ, TimeSeg2 = CAN_BS2_2TQ.

I also disabled the CAN filter in order to try and capture any data from the CANlog but I was not able to trigger the CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler function (tried in the code to detect some received data by setting the LED).

I would highly appreciate if you can point out if it is my wrong usage of the CAN API.

I also read the data entered to PB8 using Saleae logic analyzer and verified data indeed enters via PB8.

Please see attached main.c and stm32f4xx_it.c files.

