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What are the CAN Bit timing values for 1Mbps? My APB1 clock frequency is 25MHz.

Associate II

I am using STM32F427 controller for my application development. I need CAN to work at 1Mbps. The Bit Timing parameters configured are BPR - 1, TSEG1 - 6, TSEG2 - 6 and SJW - 3. But these values are not working, when trying to capture the CAN message in Logic Analyzer, it shows error.

What are the values to be used for CAN Baud rate 1Mbps with APB1 frequency 25MHz.


That'll get you 1.667 Mbps

Must you clock at 25 MHZ? You'd need to make SJW+BS1+BS2 = 25 or 5 for this to factor with integers

At 30 MHz BPR - 2, TSEG1 - 6, TSEG2 - 6 and SJW - 3

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