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Need help! NO ST-LINK detected! Please connect ST-Link and restart the debug session

Associate II

I am using STM32VL discovery board, when I try to program the board its showing this message.


I have install the st-link USB drivers

The ST link upgrade software is detecting the ST link.


The VL Discovery uses a very old ST-LINK implementation that ST has deprecated many years ago. I wouldn't expect to see support in current releases. Use drivers which are contemporaneous with the hardware.​

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ST Employee

The VL discovery board embeds an Stlink V1.

STM32CubeIde doesn't support Stlink V1.

So, you can create a project but won't be able to debug it with STlink.

Thank you for the reply, Can please suggest me any latest discovery boards, which has M3 or M4 architecture microelectronic, I'm a Novice player here, very keen to learn and explore. I would be grateful if you could help me with the requested information.

There are plenty of discovery or nucleo boards.

You can start a new STM32 project and select board selector and then select discovery in the type and then selecting a family, you will see all the discovery boards available.

Lot of options, depends what features you want and how much you want to spend.

Some of the smaller NUCLEO boards run $10 USD, with the larger ones $20 - 30 USD

The DISCO boards typically add combinations of memory, screens, SD Cards, etc. but do so at the expense of usable pins.

The availability of a Arduino shield socket allows for some level of expansion or interfacing.

For a CM4 series, I'd probably suggest some L4 or G4 series at this point.

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