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How can I import patterns which I wrote for Steval MKI109V2 with MKI134V1 to MKI109V3 with MKI196V1?


I wrote some patterns for three-axis state machine based on MKI134V1. Now I need to import that patterns into six-axis state machine based on MKI196V1. I used standart button "load" but nothing worked. I can't find user manual with examples six-axis state machine like I found for three-axis . If you share this manual or help to solve my problem I'll be grateful.

P/S Sorry for my English

ST Employee

Hi @NAndr.1​ ,

when you said you wrote the patterns for the three-axis state machine, do you mean you are trying to load a .fsm file in Unico?

Yes, I use Unico GUI for work.My three-axis patterns has ucf form. I used to load them in "Load /save congiruration" tab. I had understood thats patterns for 6-axis state machine has .fsm form. But maybe exist another way to "upgrade" old patterns and make them work with 6-axis?

I'm sorry, but the configuration files are too different to be used with both sensors.

you can find some examples of Finite State Machines for the LSM6DSO (MKI196V1) here:

and the application note that explains how to implement it here:

may I ask you what does your pattern do?