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I need some help on why undefined exception occurred or code crashes when i flash and run blinky app on nucleo-l552ze ?


I am working on porting Mynewt RTOS on nucleo-l55ze (Cortex-m33) board,and able to build blinky and load.but led will blink only once and observed the issue that is unhandled interrupt/exception generated while context switching between main task to idle task,that's why proper execution is not happening.

Steps :-

1.Execution of while function in main.c works fine for one time

2.But when when context switched to os_idle_task it get proper address and control goes to os_idle_task at that time 

os_idle_task(void *arg)


 801086c:   b5f8      push  {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}

  os_time_t sanity_itvl_ticks;

  sanity_itvl_ticks = (MYNEWT_VAL(SANITY_INTERVAL) * OS_TICKS_PER_SEC) / 1000;

  sanity_last = 0;


 801086e:   f002 f879   bl   8012964 <hal_watchdog_tickle>


this instruction execute and code crash.

3.after crashing control moves to Default IRQ

      TST  LR,#4

    ITE  EQ



    PUSH  {R3-R11,LR}

    MOV  R0, SP

    BL   os_default_irq

Register values before crash :

r0      0x0        0

r1      0x0        0

r2      0x0        0

r3      0x0        0

r4      0x200006b0     536872624

r5      0x2000066c     536872556

r6      0x20000260     536871520

r7      0x801086d     134285421

r8      0xffffffff     -1

r9      0x100       256

r10      0xffffffff     -1

r11      0xffffffff     -1

r12      0xdeadbeef     -559038737

sp      0x200006b0     0x200006b0 <g_os_idle_ctr>

lr      0x80112ff     134288127

pc      0x801086c     0x801086c <os_idle_task>

xPSR     0x1000000     16777216

msp      0x20017fe8     0x20017fe8

psp      0x200006b0     0x200006b0 <g_os_idle_ctr>

Register values after crash:

r0      0x0        0

r1      0x0        0

r2      0x0        0

r3      0x0        0

r4      0x200006b0     536872624

r5      0x2000066c     536872556

r6      0x20000260     536871520

r7      0x801086d     134285421

r8      0xffffffff     -1

r9      0x100       256

r10      0xffffffff     -1

r11      0xffffffff     -1

r12      0xdeadbeef     -559038737

sp      0x20017fe8     0x20017fe8

lr      0xffffffbc     -68

pc      0x8011812     0x8011812 <os_default_irq_asm>

xPSR     0x1000003     16777219

msp      0x20017fe8     0x20017fe8

psp      0x200006b0     0x200006b0 <g_os_idle_ctr>

Compiler setting:

compiler.flags.base: -mcpu=cortex-m33+nodsp -mthumb-interwork -mthumb -Wall -Werror -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-common