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STM32F407 Debugger Lost Connection Cube IDE V1.4

Associate II

0693W000003BtXdQAK.png Hi ST community,

I am using STM32 Discovery board STM32F407 DISCO,

I have written a Simple toggle Code, Compile and build has no errors, but when i run the code the error is throwing called "Debugger Lost Connection, Waiting for Connection",

PFA image attached, I have upgraded the STM32 cube IDE to latest V1.4 but the same error.



Senior III

Check MCU power supply and hardware connection between stlink and MCU. Replace wires​ and try again.

Check for code or settings disabling the SWD/DEBUG pins/functionality. CubeMX can hide a lot of setting and code, dig deeper into the HAL_Init() code, and MSP routines.

You can break the connection interfering with PA13/PA14, or placing the hardware into a sleep mode

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