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Program file does not exist, launching project.elf has encountered a problem


Hello guys so i'm working with stm32F407 on atollic True studio and CubeMx. when i generate the code from cubeMx it works perfectly but when i add a source and a header file that i'm going to use in this project i can't debug the code anymore and an error occurs wich indicate that the .elf has encountered a problem. What can i do to fix this problem.


Hello Sbhy.2,

Could you please share your .ioc file and detail more the changes you have made in the code.

Does this error occur when generating code using other Toolchain/IDEs or uniquely using atollic True studio ?



Sound like the build process didnt complete, likely due to a linker error.

Should only need to add .C files to project, include files are found by the compiler base on the paths given. Include files only describe the interface for the functions, the source for the libraries, or a library containing precompiled functions, still needs to be added for the linker to get closure.​

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