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Hello all, My goal is to FFT calculations on an MCU. The size of the signal should be of 200000 samples, typically. At the moment I am using a Xilinx Zynq 7010 for this function. Could STM32H7 be a good match? Thank you very much!


In this project I will need 

3xADC (>=12bits, 500kS-1MSPS)

3xDAC (>=12bits, 500kS-1MSPS)

3xADC (>=12bits, 100kS-500kSPS)


46xGeneral IOs

The more ADC/DAC will be included in the MCU the better.


>>Could STM32H7 be a good match?

Doesn't look like a good fit.

Can most of ADC/DAC be external?

Have you compiled your FFT computation on a Cortex-M7 and got a handle on the cycles, memory and MHz you're going to need?

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The implementation won't fit easily on a microcontroller as the memory buffer probably is say 16 bit x 200k samples = 400 kbyte of RAM which is more related to STM32P1 MPU than microcontroller.



Thank you for your answers.

Yes, all can be external.

No. My idea was first to assess at least a chance of success before I buy a demo board and try it. At first I looked at the following:

And looking at the caracteristics I though maybe the H7 offered more RAM and speed so was better suited.

As far as RAM is concerned, the main source of RAM use in my algorithm would be the fact that I need 3 buffers of 200kS so 1.2Mbyte of RAM (16bits). That is the ideal amount but I could also introduce a decimation of 4 to reduce the sample size to 50kS. The STM32P1 looks interesting thank you.

Thank you again.