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Cannot generate TIM5 global interrupt in STM32MP151


I use STM32MP151CAA3 mounted on my own board.

I want to generate TIM5 global interrupt in Cortex-M4.

I have written following code, However, ​TIM5 global interrupt doesn't occurs (TIM5_IRQHandler doesn't be called).

In Keil MDK-ARM Debbuger, I have confirmed following settings are reflected.

--TIM5_DIER->UIE = 1

--TIM5_CR1->CEN = 1

​--When TIM5 CNT reach TIM5_ARR value, TIM5_SR->UIF is set.

#include "stm32mp1xx_hal.h"
void TIM5_Start(void)
	TIM_HandleTypeDef m_handleTim5;
	TIM_ClockConfigTypeDef sClockSourceConfig;
	TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterConfig;
	m_handleTim5.Instance = TIM5;
	m_handleTim5.Init.Prescaler = 41999;
	m_handleTim5.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP;
	m_handleTim5.Init.Period = 0;
	m_handleTim5.Init.ClockDivision = TIM_CLOCKDIVISION_DIV1;
	sClockSourceConfig.ClockSource = TIM_CLOCKSOURCE_INTERNAL;
	HAL_TIM_ConfigClockSource(&m_handleTim5, &sClockSourceConfig);
	sMasterConfig.MasterOutputTrigger = TIM_TRGO_RESET;
	sMasterConfig.MasterSlaveMode = TIM_MASTERSLAVEMODE_DISABLE;
	HAL_TIMEx_MasterConfigSynchronization(&m_handleTim5, &sMasterConfig);
	TIM5->ARR = (time * 2) - 1;
	TIM5->SR = 0;

For your reference, TIM4 ​ global interrupt does not occurs similarly.

But TIM6 or TIM7 global interrupt occurs without any problems.

Is there any missing in above code?

Best Regards.

H. Masuda


Accepted Solutions

Ahh, I didn't see that.

Only a few things need to happen for the interrupt to occur:

  • TIM_DIER_UIE bit is set
  • TIM_SR_UIF is set
  • corresponding NVIC interrupt is enabled
  • interrupts are enabled and the update interrupt has enough priority

It's possible there is a typo somewhere, maybe the NVIC interrupt for TIM5_IRQn is wrong or something. Seems low probability. Not sure.

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> m_handleTim5.Init.Period = 0;

With ARR = 0, the timer cannot run.

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Hi, @TDK​ 

Thank you for your answer.

​>With ARR = 0, the timer cannot run.

I'm sorry to be confusing.

Once I set "0" to T​IM5_ARR register in Line 14, I set any required value again in Line 27.

So, after Line 30, the timer is running (I have checked it using Debugger).

However, TIM5 global interrupt doesn't occurs (TIM5_IRQHandler doesn't be called), even though TIM5_SR->UIF flag is set.

Is there any other missing in above code?

Best Regards.

H. Masuda

Ahh, I didn't see that.

Only a few things need to happen for the interrupt to occur:

  • TIM_DIER_UIE bit is set
  • TIM_SR_UIF is set
  • corresponding NVIC interrupt is enabled
  • interrupts are enabled and the update interrupt has enough priority

It's possible there is a typo somewhere, maybe the NVIC interrupt for TIM5_IRQn is wrong or something. Seems low probability. Not sure.

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Thank you for your prompt reply.

>Only a few things need to happen for the interrupt to occur:

> corresponding NVIC interrupt is enabled

I have reviewed the code again.

In the actual source code, After enabling TIM5 global interrupt in Line 25, NVIC interrupt is disabled again in the another source file.

It was because that I haven't check NVIC_ICERx register.

I noticed it because you taught me as above.

I am really grateful to you for teaching me.

Thank you.

H. Masuda​