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Im trying to learn how to use the STM32 Discovery kits, the STM32F469NI DISCO, by the IAR 8.50.1 . I added a code from the internet that should make the leds blink, but i got some errors

Associate II

Fatal Error[Pe035]: #error directive: "Please select first the target STM32F4xx device used in your application (in stm32f4xx.h file)" C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.4\arm\src\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32F4xx\inc\stm32f4xx.h 80 

i already choose the my kit STM32F469NI in the options and used in the preprocessor the path of the stm32f4xx.h file.


Go look at stm32f4xx.h and see why this error is triggered.

You need to #define STM32F469xx in your preprocessor macros somewhere. Typically this is done by a -DSTM32F469xx argument to the compiler in the options somewhere.

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Associate II

the error is this lines:

#if !defined (STM32F40XX) && !defined (STM32F427X) && !defined (STM32F429X)

 #error "Please select first the target STM32F4xx device used in your application (in stm32f4xx.h file)"


as one can see, there is no STM32F469, so that why it got triggered, but why there is no 69 ? and how do i fix it ?

Sounds like the code wasn't meant for your board. Probably each board has different LED pins.
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Associate II

the code ask for:

#include "stm32f4xx.h"

#include "stm32f4xx_rcc.h"

#include "stm32f4xx_gpio.h"

i fought this ,"stm32f4xx.h" , include my kit.