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Error when generating code in STM32Cube 5.6.1 (MDK-ARM project generation problem )

Senior II

I am using the ST Profiler to get motor parameters and generate a *.stmcx file. I then used MCSDK V5.4.3 to load the *.stmcx file and tune the motor. I followed this by generating code within MCSDK.

My problem is when I then update code using CubeMX I get the following error message (see photo screen shot). There was a MDK-ARM project generation problem (?).

When I next build by project in Keil I notice the motor Kp and Ki values have not been updated. The correct values are in the *.stmcx file in my project folder but they are not being used.

I've filed a case with Keil but it has not been resolved.

Has anyone seen this problem? Is there a workaround?

I'm using the STM32F303RE Nucleo board.

Laurent Ca...
Lead II

The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK). 

Best regards