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it is related to the basic doubt of question of flash memory.

Associate II

hi community,

i am using STM32F743ZI board,in that i am performing the read,write and erase operation in the flash memory i am sucessfully doing the all operations.

But i have some doubts:

1)what is meant by write,read and erase cycles and how it is calculated please provided some basic example.

2)if i will give starting address, to erase the some part of flash memory ,it will erase that part well erase that part of memory when starting address is given.

thank you


You can read it as many times as you want.

Once you erase you can write a flash line once, and then you must erase it before you can do it again. Each time you do it the cell degrades, you can repeat 10,000 times before one or more cells might fail, rendering the thing useless.

Flash endurance and retention statistics are in the DATA SHEET.

Functionality of Flash presumably described in contemporaneous computer architecture texts.

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