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Is it possible to send data from PC terminal (UART) to Ble Mesh (Light Mesh exemple)

Associate II

Hi Community,

I need to know if it's possible to make coexist Mesh and UART on BlueNRG-2 board.

If it's possible, what files do i need to add to light mesh example and what are fonctions which helps to archive this ?

My project : I try to send data from a terminal to a BNRG-2 board with classic BLE to one Board. Then this boad will use mesh network to transmit this information (ex : 0 to turn off all LEDS and 1 to turn on)



There is already Serial interface available in BLE-Mesh project. You can look at

/* Enables the serial interface using Uart */

#define ENABLE_SERIAL_INTERFACE           0

#define ENABLE_SERIAL_CONTROL             0

Associate II

Thanks for your help. I've got a problem with the project. When i put STSW-BNRG-Mesh_1.09.000\Firmware\Projects\BlueNRG-2\Applications\Lighting_Demo in stm32CudeIDE or in Truestudio, i got problem with header files "Fatal error: hal_common.h: no such file or directory.

And i try to put those files in the project, but it's still doesn't work.

Thanks for your help