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Is there anyone here who is an expert with the STM32 with direct experience with the STM32 L4 family? We are Running Freeartos and having default system register HAL (clock structures and RTC) issues and would SUPER appreciate some help


I am searching for an expert. We are having problems with the RTC jumping all over the place. Has anyone here 1) experienced this, or 2) Could point me in the direction of where I could find someone? My company depends on it. Thx!


> RTC jumping all over the place

Be more specific.


Thanks!! I am on the business side, not an engineer so my response might sound dumb! I was trying to find somewhere where I could connect w/ people who had this issue and then tomorrow I can have my engineers help me provide the tech details!! We are having serious issues with the RTC losing the time and then we get times int he past or in the future. I will get more specifics tomorrow!! Thanks in advance as I am just excited to be in this forum with people who I can ask!!