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getting error - program "gcc" not found in the path

Associate II

0690X00000BwKYmQAN.pngI am trying to execute ping pong experiment with B-L072Z-LRWAN1 discovery kit using STM32CubeIDE. I have used the codes which are available on stm32 website along with firmware . After bringing the project file in IDE problem window is showing error-

program "gcc" not found in the path.

also on building , consoles shows no error but the previous problem persist.

On debugging the process terminates with message - binaries not found

also there is no binaries file created in project explore window.

I have tried this code with other IDE (like True studio, eclipse ) but getting same error.

please suggest why this is happening and how to rectify that.



Your PATH environment variable doesn't adequately describe where your compiler is installed. Perhaps also consider that it needs to be the ARM EABI compiler not the native x86 tools.

A simpler route might be to use the Keil tools with the ST CM0 license.

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Senior II

Window -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Build-> Environment

set as defaults may solved out problem in such case