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Sampling frequency on multichannel ADC with DMA

Associate II


i have (hopefully) set up a three channel ADC with DMA and a Timer to get a sampling frequency of 100kHz. I am wondering if somebody could t Hake a quick peek on my code to verify that it is correct. The HLCK is maxed at 216MHz, and TIM6 has a period counter of 1079. I have used the formulas

f_clkcnt = f_apb1/(prescaler+1)

f_interrupt = f_ClkCnt/ (TIM_ARR+1)

and as I understand the TIM_ARR is the same as the period counter on the timer.

f_apb1 = HCLK/ 2 = 108MHz giving f_ClkCnt = 108MHZ if prescaler =0.

resulting in that TIM_ARR+1 = f_ClkCnt/ f_interrupt => TIM_ARR = 108Mhz / 100kHz -1 =1079


 HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (uint32_t*)&buffer[0], ADC_BUFFER_LEN);

 HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc2, (uint32_t*)&buffer2[0], ADC_BUFFER_LEN);

 HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc3, (uint32_t*)&buffer3[0], ADC_BUFFER_LEN);



This is my code for starting up the ADCs. buffer 1, 2 and 3 is defined as

volatile uint16_t buffer[ADC_BUFFER_LEN];

where ADC_BUFFER_LEN is 32kb

is this a correct approach for sampling at 100kHz ?

The complete code is attached

any help of guidance will be appreciated!

Regards AitchJee