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What is the Problem with my Program? (Using Mat-Target)

Associate II

@The things i use:

Hardware: Stm32F446RE

Software: CubeMX V.5.4 ; Matlab R2019b ; CubeIDE V.1.1 ; Mat-Target

My Question is: Where is the Mistake in my Programm. I defined the PA5 as a Gpio output because that´s the Output for the LD2 LED on my board which should glow. Should i use a boolean or something else? Did i include the right Folders into the Debugsection?

In Ide I had todeactivate one main.c data, because otherwise the programm had an error, that there would be two main.c datas and that it isnt able to debug. Also i had to deactivate the getbuffptr.c data in the Simulink options because i got an error: no file or directory with that name

Pls write everything that could be a possible Solution why the LED doesnt work/glow up

(I added some Screenshots, hoping they are helpful)