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How to use HAL LTDC function


my head is going to explode -_-

i want to run a LCD 40 pin (480*272) in 16 bit or 18 bit mode with f429zgt but have no experience with LTDC.

also i connected pins but lcd have a DISP nemed pin that don't appear in MCU pinout in cubeMX! it should simply connect to 3.3?


pleas help me!! or guide me to a suitable tutorial!!! i'm using cubeMX&keil or CubeIDE.


Senior III

Look on the WAVESHARE site for their STM32H743 development boards and then follow the links to their wiki. They give complete circuit diagrams and example code using HAL

>> lcd have a DISP nemed pin that don't appear in MCU pinout in cubeMX! it should simply connect to 3.3?

So an enable/disable pin, what does the display manual say? You could also use a GPIO to turn on/off, for example to permit low power operation.

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Check the function of the pin in the display datasheet. If there is some timing requirement, e.g. the enable pin has to be low for a certain duration after powerup, connect it to a GPIO output pin, add an external pulldown resistor, then ensure that the software enables it only after the required time has passed.

Two of the 4 touchpad pins have to be connected to ADC input pins, the other two can be connected to any GPIO. Note that not all combinations work.

Right/Bottom, Bottom/Left, Left/Up or Up/Right works.

Right/Left or Bottom/Up doesn't work.

(horizontal position is measured on the top or bottom, vertical position is measured on the side)

Read the LTDC chapter in the reference manual, there are step-by-step instructions with examples on setting up the timing parameters. More effective than trying to match CubeMX input fields, HAL function parameters, LTDC register descriptions and datasheet values with each other.