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Is it possible to use matlab/simulink code generation for System Workbench? I'm using a StM32f429I discovery.

Associate III
Brian McKay
Associate III

MathWorks tools generate ANSI / ISO C Code, which you can use in your IDE of choice.

The generic work flow is to use MATLAB & Simulink to design and simulate your algorithm. Next you generate the C code fro your algorithm. And then you import that C code into your existing project in your IDE of choice.

You can also use the STM32 MAT Target - this will help configure the peripherals and works with Atolic / ST IDE, Keil, and Embedded Workbench IDE's.



Associate III

Thanks for your fast answer. I'm thinking to PIL simulation, and to free tools that support this. As, from your response, I can utilize Atolic / ST ide, i.e. STM32Cube IDE, I think that I can perform PIL simulation with the support of free tool (on the microcontroller part). Is it OK?



ST Employee

​Hi @Hicss.2033​ ,

Yes you can run PIL on STM32 devices with the STM32-MAT/TARGET tool.

There are known issues with some free IDE projects (just follow some tips in PS)




$ cat ./STM32/STM32demos/PIL/Filter/Readme.txt

The IIR_Filter_int32_PIL (Model Block PIL with shared configuration) PIL simulation has run with the following configurations:

 - F429ZITx @ 180 Mhz, USART1: 673 µs (arm-none-eabi-gcc) ( 518 µs with O2)

 - F401RETx @ 84 Mhz, USART2: 861 µs (IAR arm)

 - L476RG  @ 80 Mhz, USART2: 1241 µs (IAR arm)

 - L476RG  @ 80 Mhz, USART2: 2116 µs (arm-none-eabi-gcc) (1728 µs with O2)

 - G431RBTx @ 170 Mhz, USART2: 909 µs (IAR arm)

 - G431RBTx @ 170 Mhz, USART2: 1167 µs (arm-none-eabi-gcc) ( 978 µs with O2)

 - F302R8Tx @ 64 Mhz, USART2: 1907 µs (IAR arm)

 - F302R8Tx @ 64 Mhz, USART2: 1893 µs (arm-none-eabi-gcc) (1558 µs with O2)

 - G474RE  @ 170 Mhz, USART2: 938 µs (IAR arm)

There are known issues with project generated for SW4STM32:

- Includes may not be correctly formatted in build settings of IIR_Filter_int32 eclipse project.

 for instance

  replace "../../"../../../../../Program Files/MATLAB/R2018b/extern/include""

       by "../../../../../../../Program Files/MATLAB/R2018b/extern/include"

The Simulink model in details.

- Test_PIL_IIR_Filter.mdl                  The top model where from the RUN is started.

- IIR_Filter_int32.mdl                     The model in Normal simulation mode.

- IIR_Filter_int32.mdl                     The model in PIL simulation mode.

- iir_startup.m                            Script run in pre-load of the Test_PIL_IIR_Filter model.

- testdata.txt                             Data computed and loaded in workspace as input for the simulation.

                                           1000 noisy sine wave values for 1 second of simulation.

- Test_PIL_IIR_Filter_config_ref.mat       Configuration as reference shared with other models.

                                           (stm32.tlc for the System target file)

- C:\MATLAB\STM32-MAT                      The current directory in the MATLAB session.

- C:\MATLAB\STM32-MAT\IIR_Filter_int32_PIL The directory that contains

                                           the IIR_Filter_int32.ioc and customized files for STM32cubeMX tool.

                                           These files are generated during the Simulink RUN process.