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This is a question about the signal name of VIPer22A.

Associate II

I am repairing the power supply of AC-DC5V.

According to the VIPer22A data sheet, pins 5-8 are "DRAIN"

It was confirmed that the purchased VIPer22A has the same pin number 5-8.

However, the VIPer22A (4PY138) used for the AC-DC5V power circuit purchased separately does not have DRIN for pin 5 and pin 6.

Are there any devices on the VIPer22A where the 5th and 6th pins are not "DRAIN"?

If such VIPer22A is on sale, please let me know so I would like to buy it.

Please let us know the signal names of pins 5 and 6.


Associate II

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Using a tester, we confirmed the connection between the pins.

as a result

Only the 7th and 8th pins are conductive. Pins 5 and 6 are not conducting. Therefore, the 5th and 6th pins are not considered “DRAIN�?.

Does "VIPer22A" have different pin assignment devices?

please answer.