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STM32G474VE ADC Continuous Conversion Problems

David K.

I am trying to continuously sample a ADC channel. When I have the overrun data preserved, I can see a valid value in the ADC Data register (Using the STM32CubeIDE debugger). However, when I try overwriting the overrun data, The only value I see in the data register is 0xFFF.

I also get the same issue when I enable the global ADC1/2 interrupt and start the ADC with HAL_ADC_Start_IT(), regardless of whether I have the overrun data preserved or overwritten.

I am using STM32CubeIDE and STM32CubeMX, and a ST-LINK v2. If something is unclear or I haven't mentioned something, Let me know. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Just for additional information, The system clock is 104Mhz, the ADC’s clock prescaler is set to asynchronous divide by 2, resolution is 12 bit, sampling time is 640.5 cycles.