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When powering an STM32F303 MCU, is it necessary for the Vdd or Vdda to be clean signals?

Associate II

 I have a 5V line that I need to step down to 3.3V in order to power the MCU. I can use a switching regulator that I like ( to provide 3.3V with a 6MHz ripple. If that ripple is not acceptable for either the Vdd or Vdda, then I need a different regulator to step down from 5V to 3.8V then an LDO to take the 3.8V to 3.3V which should provide a clean line for Vdd and Vdda.

Does the MCU have an internal regulator to clean up the signal? Can anyone point me in the direction of an application note or other resources with more information?

Thanks in advance!