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software power off

yang hong
Associate II


I am using NUCLEO-F429ZI. Can I use software to power off controller?



You can put the chip in STANDBY

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Hello, Clive:

thank you for your response.

I try to add the following code to enter standby mode

 //disable wake-up timer


 //diable RTC Alarm


 //clear PWR FLAG



 //enable WKUP pin


 //enter standby mode



 //turn off led 2

 GPIOB->BSRR = (uint32_t)LD2_Pin << 16U;

but I still have 1mA current when I put battery in my system. Do you have any idea to reduce current when only battery is connected to controller?

thank you in advance.

Chief II
DBGMCU->CR = 0; // Disable debug and trace in low-power modes

Do this before entering low-power mode.