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Developing a custom bootloader for stm32f407VET. Query on reset behavior.

Associate II

My bootloader starts from 0x08000000 and my application starts from 0x08004000. After i flash the application through UART I jump to my application using the code below.




 SysTick->CTRL = 0;

 SysTick->LOAD = 0;

 SysTick->VAL = 0;


  /* execute the new program */

   JumpAddress = *((__IO uint32_t*) (APPLICATION_ADDRESS_BANK_1 + 4));

   /* Jump to user application */

   JumpToApplication = (pFunction) JumpAddress;

   /* Initialize user application's Stack Pointer */

   __set_MSP(*(__IO uint32_t*) APPLICATION_ADDRESS_BANK_1);


After i jump to my application the SBC->VTOR is loaded with 0x08004000 in system init and the application runs. All the interrupts are managed through the vector table of my application.

What should be the behavior when a reset occurs while my application is running. Should it go to the reset handler of my application i.e. at ox08004004 or the reset handler of my bootloader (0x080000004)


The reset will go to your boot loader provided BOOT0=LOW

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Associate II


What about a soft reset from Watch dog in my application. And also is there a way to ensure that after reset, the controller straightaway goes to my application.

The watchdog generates a reset pulse with resets the core, SCB->VTOR gets set to zero, and whatever memory is mapped there via the BOOTx pins takes control.

You could expedite the jump to your applications Reset_Handler by having the boot loader recognize a signature value in RAM in its Reset_Handler.

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Associate II

Thanks a lot.

If i write a simple application it is working perfectly after switching.

But my main application is freertos based and it unexpectedly resets back to my bootloader. Am i doing my application switching correctly or do i need to do something extra do take care for my rtos based application.